90% of traders lose money! True or False? - page 2


%99 is true in the long term lose money ...

what a free money for big players and brokers$$$$ into their pockets.

but dont lose your hope you can be in that remaining %1 with enough effort.

1. a good automated strategy.

2.a great money management.

3.and enough patient.

this is purely true and it is so annoying ..the big fish eating the small fish every time they turn around...so now what can we do about it now that we know? 
Roger Pinheiro:

i wanna find out if the statistics is right about it, so let;s say for the last 3 months did you :

1) lose money
2)make money

and in your opinion, do you agree that the only side who makes money on forex is FX companies themselfs, and of course Interbanks.

All of you guys make me laugh. Poor money management and greediness has kill many traders accounts just because they dream too much of becoming rich in a short amount of time.

Many traders don't want to be real about money management, your margin plays a big role, understanding the market's behaviour is a must. One can not swim in an ocean without knowing the risk and the danger which come along the risks which have been taken. The sea is rough just like the market. A huge wave can occur any time while sailing, swimming or surfing, you have got to understand and be ready for it. if I give you a trading account with a balance of $ 5.00 you will not dare yourself opening a lot size of 0.2 chance are you will opt to open 0.01 and if you don't understand how the market behave in a matter of second you will lose that trade of 0.01

if I give you a trading account with a balance of $ 100.00 you still won't like to open a trade with a lot size of 0.01 you will probably opt to open a lot size of anything above 0.01 in my case if you still open a trade with a lot size of anything above 0.01 my understanding will still be you don't know how to trade and you have no knowledge of money management. if I give you a trading account which has a balance of $ 1000.00 you will be excited and will still not be happy to open a trade with a lot size of 0.01, you will be like " no that is a waste of time " :-) 

Trading is not for everyone :-)

Trading is for people who understand the market, its for those who are patience, it for those who study the market long before they can take action about opening a trade, it for those who have a trading plan about " when and where " to enter a market and exit the market, which currency pair is more favourable to enter the trade and make some profit then exit.

And many more...

So I'm in 1% ;).You can only trade with EA and invest manual.Dont be greedy.

I think this 90-95% is for Forex traders. Not index/share cfd traders. But in these new ESMA disclaimers you always see a figure between 70 and 80% that lose (I think it means so-and-so many accounts had negative profits the last 3 months.) And that's bad enough. But the reason why so many Forex traders lose is they are mainly small traders. This is because trading Forex takes no requisites, anyone can do it. If you want to trade shares, options and what not you first need to fill in a questionaire asking you about financial status, occupation, trading experience etc. All this is not required for Forex. And so a lot of Forex accounts are completely undercapitalized and the next Yen-whatever crash washes them ashore.

Not 90 but 96 percent lose money
Roger Pinheiro:

i wanna find out if the statistics is right about it, so let;s say for the last 3 months did you :

1) lose money
2)make money

and in your opinion, do you agree that the only side who makes money on forex is FX companies themselfs, and of course Interbanks.

It's True mostly traders loose money that's why ESMA set a cap for leverage and forced brokers to cancel all kind of Bonus

Source: FM Intelligence


Interesting topic here. If 90% or more of retail/small traders lose money in Forex then there is something very wrong with the whole deal...

If this was a like a pyramid scheme then it would kind of OK for all these people to just jump in and give their money away. But it isn't...isn't it?


Maybe it's because so many people want to get rich and are interested, but they just don't have a clue about what they are doing, or what to do to make it work...

Or they make a bit of profit and then become greedy and increase position size and go bust.

Yanis Petras:

Interesting topic here. If 90% or more of retail/small traders lose money in Forex then there is something very wrong with the whole deal...

If this was a like a pyramid scheme then it would kind of OK for all these people to just jump in and give their money away. But it isn't...isn't it?

It's the old game of knowledge versus emotions.

If you are disciplined and willing to learn constantly you'll get profitable one day and keep your edge in this business.

But most of the retail traders are driven by their emotions which will cause heavy losses like in every average casino.

Trading is pure evolution at it's best and it's the most honest business in the world.

You are either right or wrong and there is nothing in between.