Unable to understand this piece of code

  if(ticket>0)                         // this can be true only if ordersend is successful?
   Print("order placed successfully"); // a message is printed then
   break;                              // and loop breaks
   err=GetLastError();                 // why this...
   if(err==0) break;                   // and this...
   if(err==4                           // and...
   || err==136                         // this
   || err==137                         // is
   || err==146) Sleep(5000);           // here now?
   Print("order failed, Error = ", err);

thought re-arranging this way looks more correct (i did not add or remove anything... I just reshuffled the lines):

  if(ticket>0)                         // this can be true only if ordersend is successful?
   Print("order placed successfully"); // a message is printed then
   break;                              // and loop breaks
   err=GetLastError();                 // why this...
   if(err==0) break;                   // and this...
   Print("order failed, Error = ", err);
   if(err==4                           // and...
   || err==136                         // this
   || err==137                         // is
   || err==146) Sleep(5000);           // here now?
Seng Joo Thio:

thought re-arranging this way looks more correct (i did not add or remove anything... I just reshuffled the lines):

Yes, this is the right way but the question is, does that code make sense anyway?

(Maybe in some cases (by some broker) ticket gets a value higher than zero and err also gets one of the mentioned values. is it possible?)


Looks like the original code was mangled by a newbie coder. The original idea was this:

If the order failed to open, check the return code. In some cases it is advised to wait some time and try again. Such cases would be 'trade server busy' (err=4), 'trade timeout' (128), 'off quotes' (136) etc.

So the function would have a chance by just waiting some time, refreshing quotes and trying again.

Other cases are so obviously bad that a retry wouldn't make sense, think of errors such as 'invalid stops' (130).


Yes, this is the right way but the question is, does that code make sense anyway?

(Maybe in some cases (by some broker) ticket gets a value higher than zero and err also gets one of the mentioned values. is it possible?)

I wouldn't code this way. The while loop is redundant because whether the OrderSend attempt succeeded or not, a break is encountered. A better way would be, as @lippmaje pointed out - for the loop to be able to repeat (after some waiting time) itself if the error was due to out-dated price data. 

As to whether it is possible for OrderSend() to return a value > zero WHILE giving an err, I doubt it. But there is no harm, as a programming safeguard, to do a GetLastError() right after OrderSend(), and check that it is indeed zero when ticket is more than zero, or otherwise.