Draw_Line: does not draw the buffer (MQL5)


I am creating an indicator that draws a buffer line on the moving average values but the buffer is not written to the graph.

#property indicator_chart_window 
#property indicator_buffers 1 
#property indicator_plots   1 
#property indicator_label1  "Line"      
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE   
#property indicator_color1  clrBlue      
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID 
#property indicator_width1  2

double LineBuffer[]; 
int periodi=21;

int OnInit() 

double calculateoMedia(int begin){

   double media = 0;
   for(int n=begin+periodi-1;n>=begin;n--){
      media += iClose(Symbol(),0,n);      
   media /= periodi;   
  return media;

int OnCalculate(const int rates_total, 
                 const int prev_calculated, 
                 const datetime &time[], 
                 const double &open[], 
                 const double &high[], 
                 const double &low[], 
                 const double &close[], 
                 const long &tick_volume[], 
                 const long &volume[], 
                 const int &spread[]){
   for(int i=110; i>=0; i--){
       if(i < 89){          


instead if I use the data of the High Value Bars, the buffer is written without problems

for(int i=0;i<rates_total;i++) 

this function :

double calculateoMedia(int begin){

   double media = 0;
   for(int n=begin+periodi-1;n>=begin;n--){
      media += iClose(Symbol(),0,n);      
   media /= periodi;   
  return media;

is it not  same as :

double media = iMA(Symbol(),0,periodi,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,begin);

if yes did you test :

for(int i=88; i>=0; i--) LineBuffer[i]=iMA(_Symbol,_Period,periodi,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,i);
I'm writing in mql5 and my function calculates the moving average and returns the value to be attributed to the Buffer and is correct because in mql4 it works regularly but I don't understand why in mql5 no.
  1. paul selvan:

    this function :

    is it not  same as :

    They are exactly the same. That is how MT4's iMA does it.

  2. fly7680 in mql4 it works regularly but I don't understand why in mql5 no.
    Your code looks perfect. Is there a problem with LineBuffer being a buffer?


I am creating an indicator that draws a buffer line on the moving average values but the buffer is not written to the graph.

instead if I use the data of the High Value Bars, the buffer is written without problems

You'll need two more lines in your OnInit() function, as follows:

  // So that LineBuffer[0] refers to the latest, rather than the earliest, bar.
  // With the above set, the left end of the line drops vertically to zero,
  // so you need this to indicate that you don't want zero values to be drawn.

These should fix your problems.
Seng Joo Thio:

You'll need two more lines in your OnInit() function, as follows:

These should fix your problems.

thank you so much now it works !!!