Why are there differences in the MT4 platform and the brokers other platforms for the OHLC and most indicators?


If all things are equal, if a broker has a web-base platform and a desktop-base platform and both of those platforms provide the exact data in every way, why then should the MT4 platform supported by that broker produce different data.

OHLC and most indicators data produces different results.  These difference are enough to cause false positive, false negative or missed entry or exit signals.  Why does this difference occur?  Is this a malicious attempt from the broker?

I have to say I have tested it with two brokers and it occurs with both.  I hope someone here in MQL5 has the answer as it is making me feel that MT4 is all a scam in and of itself.

Much appreciated for the help!

Gary Heard:

If all things are equal, if a broker has a web-base platform and a desktop-base platform and both of those platforms provide the exact data in every way, why then should the MT4 platform supported by that broker produce different data.

OHLC and most indicators data produces different results.  These difference are enough to cause false positive, false negative or missed entry or exit signals.  Why does this difference occur?  Is this a malicious attempt from the broker?

I have to say I have tested it with two brokers and it occurs with both.  I hope someone here in MQL5 has the answer as it is making me feel that MT4 is all a scam in and of itself.

Much appreciated for the help!

These differences with OHLC and results have to do with different data feed of each broker.

Eleni Anna Branou:

These differences with OHLC and results have to do with different data feed of each broker.

If a Broker has a web based platform and a desktop based platform and all information between them is the same, why then does the MT4 platform have different OHLC and indicators are different?  All three platforms use the same bid and ask pricing so all of the information should be the same in my opinion.

If there are different data feeds then any broken can manipulate data to their advantage.

Am I right or am I missing something?

Gary Heard:

If a Broker has a web based platform and a desktop based platform and all information between them is the same, why then does the MT4 platform have different OHLC and indicators are different?  All three platforms use the same bid and ask pricing so all of the information should be the same in my opinion.

If there are different data feeds then any broken can manipulate data to their advantage.

Am I right or am I missing something?

I hope I am explaining this right.

I use one broker that provides 3 different platforms: Web, desktop and MT4.  If I capture the data from my broker, and use it with a MACD signal line cross to enter a trade.  Using the MACD provided on the web and desktop i see the crossover and enter the trade right when I want to.

However, using the MACD from the MT4 platform I enter the trade late because the data is different.

This data integrity issue should not exist and there should not be a different data feed within a single broker right?

Gary Heard:

I hope I am explaining this right.

I use one broker that provides 3 different platforms: Web, desktop and MT4.  If I capture the data from my broker, and use it with a MACD signal line cross to enter a trade.  Using the MACD provided on the web and desktop i see the crossover and enter the trade right when I want to.

However, using the MACD from the MT4 platform I enter the trade late because the data is different.

This data integrity issue should not exist and there should not be a different data feed within a single broker right?

You should ask your broker, it certainly sounds strange.

I thought you were talking about different brokers.

They have different servers for webterminal, desktop terminal and things like mobile app's those all handle different orders at different times, and that means the price can differ in between.
Eleni Anna Branou:

You should ask your broker, it certainly sounds strange.

I thought you were talking about different brokers.

I have and they have stopped communicating with me altogether.  That is with broker.  I have a second Broker, that I just started testing today and their info does not match either.

What I am trying to find out is if there is any reason why this would occur within MT4.

Does MT4 generate the OHLC information based soely on the bid and ask pricing and while the server time ticks the OHLC data is then captured and built within the charts or is all information used to build the MT4 charts provided by the brokers?

I thought MT4 built the data and if this is true then latency could be the reason for the data integrity issues but then that would mean everyone at every broker would experience this or could be and just have never noticed.

Marco vd Heijden:
They have different servers for webterminal, desktop terminal and things like mobile app's those all handle different orders at different times, and that means the price can differ in between.

Understand that could be the case but why then wouldn't the bid and ask price controlled on the separate servers reflect the same price difference? in fact they don't the brokers give you one bid and ask price that is the same across all platforms or server instances.  The OHLC are historical data that should not change based on the server and they don't across their own platforms just on MT4.


They have to change on the server because every server handles different orders from different trading terminals.

In that respect they are decentralized markets.

You can not have globally equally quotes even if you wanted to.
Marco vd Heijden:

They have to change on the server because every server handles different orders from different trading terminals.

In that respect they are decentralized markets.

You can not have globally equally quotes even if you wanted to.

Thanks but your not helping and I feel you are missing my point. If anything, you, as a moderator, are supporting my theory and not helping to answer the questions that are, in fact, very legitimate.

If a single broker can maintain data integrity across a their own brokers Web Platform, a desktop platform and a mobile platform with 100% accuracy, then the same broker is able to do the same with the MT4 platform.

I have been working in network infrastructure for over 20 years and you will never convince me otherwise.

Big companies have many platforms at their disposal and data integrity is not an issue for them.  It can't be or their business will suffer greatly.  Keeping MT4 synchronized with the other platforms is a choice not an impossibility nor is it something algorithmic traders should put up with.

When 2+2 = 4 on all brokers platforms but on the MT4 platform 2+2 = 3.95, where mathematics need to be accurate, is not something any algorithmic trader should just accept.

Is there anyone else out there who understands that 3.95 does not equal 4 and can share their experience with their brokers or is there someone from MQL5 that will answer my questions above?

Would really appreciate it!

Marco vd Heijden:

They have to change on the server because every server handles different orders from different trading terminals.

In that respect they are decentralized markets.

You can not have globally equally quotes even if you wanted to.

Thanks but your not helping and I feel you are missing my point. If anything, you, as a moderator, are supporting my theory and not helping to answer the questions that are, in fact, very legitimate.

If a single broker can maintain data integrity across all their own brokers Web Platform, a desktop platform and a mobile platform with 100% accuracy, then the same broker is able to do the same with the MT4 platform.

I have been working in network infrastructure for over 20 years and you will never convince me otherwise.

Big companies have many platforms at their disposal and data integrity is not an issue for them.  It can't be or their business will suffer greatly.  Keeping MT4 synchronized with the other platforms is a choice not an impossibility nor is it something algorithmic traders should put up with.

When 2+2 = 4 on all brokers platforms but on the MT4 platform 2+2 = 3.95, where mathematics need to be accurate, is not something any algorithmic trader should just accept.

Is there anyone else out there who understands that 3.95 does not equal 4 and can share their experience with their brokers or is there someone from MQL5 that will answer my questions above?

Would really appreciate it!