Stop loss


I left a stop loss on over the weekend, the starting price when the market reopened was well above my stop loss. Rather than go I g me my stop loss price at cash out I was given the very high price that the market reopened at. My friend on the same trade was given his stop loss price though. Is this normal?

Thank you 

I left a stop loss on over the weekend, the starting price when the market reopened was well above my stop loss. Rather than go I g me my stop loss price at cash out I was given the very high price that the market reopened at. My friend on the same trade was given his stop loss price though. Is this normal?

Thank you 

You always need someone to make a deal with. Gap means there was no one willing to take the other side of your transaction, and you should never count on your broker to do you a favor neither. Your friend was lucky his stoploss was executed in the gap - possible his account has guaranteed stoploss protection, some brokers offer such a feature AFAIK. 

A Stop Loss is a Stop order. When price reaches it, it becomes a Market Order, and you are closed out at the current price. That is normal.