Growth percent drops one day from +500% to 125%



I have a big problem with my signal. Now my growth is around + 130%, when it was + 300% when I started and rising to over 500%. And one day fell more down than 400% to 125%.

Maybe someone can explain why this happened? And what to do?

Sincerely, Modestas


As the saying goes, "there are lies, damn lies, then there are statistics".

All that matters is you withdraw more than you deposit.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Signals - Reliability

Sergey Golubev, 2018.12.07 15:57

I am providing the information I found (information from the thread opened by MQ).
There are some limitations - 

  • abnormal monthly growth (some people told about 50% in a month, some of them told about 80%; means: if the signal is making more than 50%in a month so the results/stats from this month will not be considered for this signal);
  • the signal will not be available for subscription if drawdown on open trades were more than 30%;
  • and some more ...

many information is not disclosed ... and we do not know exact numbers and so on.


"too much growth .." - it is reply from admin:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Signals Service FAQ

Rashid Umarov , 2017.05.04 17:53

You should understand that Signals with such a huge growth do not live long. Therefore, such growths are ignored to protect potential subscribers.


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Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Signals Service FAQ

Rashid Umarov , 2018.10.03 07:47

You say that, as if averaging is not evil, but good. This indicator (for what period of life of the account in percents 80% Growth was achieved) was introduced to clearly show the accounts on which the acceleration tactics are used. A potential subscriber should understand that he has an account that was dispersed in a few days (and perhaps it was one only lucky account of 10-30 accounts) in order to post it later and show a beautiful chart.

A side effect was that it also detects accounts well with averaging tactics that ruined so many deposits. So this warning fulfills its role.


Those information (my previous post) was reply from MQ concerning the growth in signals.

Optical illusion due to withdrawals & deposits you made.

  • Initial deposit + additionals deposits (4740$) - Withdrawals (3485$) = 1255$
  • Profit generated by the EA = 2100,43$
  • Growth = approx 167% 

Absolutely right..New Deposits may affects on the Absolute Gain of ur accounts..