View a detailed report on the chart window


Hello Community,

Consider I have a lot of history files for many clients that were also generated as "Detailed Report" and saved as *.htm. The question is, for better and faster analysis of these histories, is there any way I could VIEW the transactions made on the Chart window? As in I would like to see them on that market state so I can understand them faster and more clearly. Should I convert them to something .CSV or .FXT somehow and use the File -> Open Offline thing or this cannot be done?

Thanks in Advance.

Best Regards,

Lord Odin


Hi @Lord Odin

You could write some code that loads these reports and displays them as trades onto the chart, if that is what you mean.

There are many ways to approach this situation.

Marco vd Heijden:

Hi @Lord Odin

You could write some code that loads these reports and displays them as trades onto the chart, if that is what you mean.

Hello @Marco vd Heijden

Thank you for the fast reply.

Yes that is what I mean indeed, but is coding the only way? Is there no other way already implemented in MT4/MT5 or something like that?


Well not that i am aware of.

Basically the entire terminal runs on code and plugin like chart applications.

Marco vd Heijden:

Well not that i am aware of.

Basically the entire terminal runs on code and plugin like chart applications.

Alright then. Thank you mate.
