What's an .enc file?

Hi all, happy Friday. 

Recently I received a file that goes as follows:
The person who gave it to me told me that I should put it in my indicator folder. What is an .enc file? Is this dangerous?

Best regards, 


I haven't seen that before.

A cursory look in Google suggests a proprietary uuencoded file. Maybe it expands into xyz.ex4 or something.

See if you can open it with Notepad; it may just be a text file.

I would tread very carefully with this.

Anthony Garot:

I haven't seen that before.

A cursory look in Google suggests a proprietary uuencoded file. Maybe it expands into xyz.ex4 or something.

See if you can open it with Notepad; it may just be a text file.

I would tread very carefully with this.

Yeah, that's what I thought, but I don't know. It is strange. It seems to be an EA but he told me to put it in the indicator folder. 

Encrypted or encoded.

You can give a file any extension it will still be blocks of zero's and ones the extension only hints at the way of handling the file.

If you use an additional EA and it looks fir this file in the indicator folder it is probably an extra layer of security put in by the coder.

Marco vd Heijden:

Encrypted or encoded.

You can give a file any extension it will still be blocks of zero's and ones the extension only hints at the way of handling the file.

If you use an additional EA and it looks fir this file in the indicator folder it is probably an extra layer of security put in by the coder.

Hmmm but have you seen any mt4 or mt5 file with that extension? Metaeditor can do this? 
Yes you can name a file anything as long as the characters are allowed in the filename.
Marco vd Heijden:
Yes you can name a file anything as long as the characters are allowed in the filename.
And how I can create a .enc file with metatradrer? 
By saving a file with that filename.
Marco vd Heijden:
By saving a file with that filename.
Like... Just renaming it? Or it's a file format supported by metatrader? If it is, never realized that it was possible.