How do I stop this? CapsLockReversal - AutoListNames


The Problem, When coding in MQL4 with setting "Auto list names" enabled MQL4 will reverse the caps lock settings. 

For Example, If normally characters are typed in lowercase when caps lock is off and uppercase when caps lock is on

it will be reversed to typing uppercase characters when capslock is off and lowercase when caps lock is on. This occurs 

when the automatically listed suggestions appear under the current line. 

How do I stop this from happening?

I'll also mention that I would rather not just disable "Auto list names" as it would make 

coding more tedious. Also this issue occurs locally, typing in other open programs remains normal.

This is my first post. So if it is in the wrong section or I am using the incorrect terms, apologies. 

Thank you  

First time I hear about such issue. Never happened to me. Post screenshot please bc I'm curious now. :)
 I have similar problem
Bartley Dawud #:
 I have similar problem

I don't believe you unless you post a screenshot.

I have same problem. Can anyone help if you know the solution? thanks. 
@Iskender -- #: I have same problem. Can anyone help if you know the solution? thanks. 

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How do I stop this? CapsLockReversal - AutoListNames

Marcin Madrzak, 2019.02.27 00:04

First time I hear about such issue. Never happened to me. Post screenshot please bc I'm curious now. :)