Libraries: CSV file reader for MQL5


CSV file reader for MQL5:

This class was developed to exchange data between MetaTrader 5 and CSV files. It converts the strings read from the CSV file to double and integer values depending of the type of the columns. Two producers of CSV files are most important for me. The most important producer are spreadsheet programs, i.e. LibreCalc. Manually entered CSV are the other kind of CSV files I had in mind. Be aware that this class do not use the standard library FileCsv.mqh etc. Instead it works with text files. It splits text lines into fields. Maximum speed and low memory usage were no development goals. This class may not be suited for large datasets or time critical operations. I would not use CSV files if speed was my main goal.

Author: bucket

CSV file reader for MQL5
CSV file reader for MQL5
1. Set up an array of column descriptions  in an MqlParam array. 2. Open the file with the Open() function 2a. When the file has a header and your are not interested in the contents of the headerline skip it with Readline(void).   3. With ReadLine(MqlParam arr) a MqlParam array is filled with values of one text line of the CSV file.  ...

CSV file reader for MQL5:

Author: bucket

Hi, it is exactely what i try to understand but i do no find where to download it
Mario974 #: Hi, it is exactely what i try to understand but i do no find where to download it

You click the link that you have highlighted and then on that page you click on "Download as ZIP".

CSV file reader for MQL5
CSV file reader for MQL5
This class was developed to exchange data between MetaTrader 5 and CSV files. It converts the strings read from the CSV file to double and integer values depending of the type of the columns. Two producers of CSV files are most important for me. The most important producer are spreadsheet programs, i.e. LibreCalc. Manually entered CSV are the other kind of CSV files I had in mind. Be aware that this class do not use the standard library FileCsv.mqh etc. Instead it works with text files. It splits text lines into fields. Maximum speed and low memory usage were no development goals. This class may not be suited for large datasets or time critical operations. I would not use CSV files if speed was my main goal.
Hi, i do not find the link you show me, i do note have thé download link, thanks for taking Care of me
Mario974 #: Hi, i do not find the link you show me, i do note have thé download link, thanks for taking Care of me

Then show a screenshot of what you have!

Fernando Carreiro #:

Then show a screenshot of what you have!

Yes i try to understand what i miss
Mario974 #:
Yes i try to understand what i miss
Browse it by a desktop browser or tick the "Desktop site" from 3 dots if Android Chrome.
Fernando Carreiro #:

You click the link that you have highlighted and then on that page you click on "Download as ZIP".

Hi  Fernando,

did you test this code? I tried but could not see anything doing. Then I had put these code in a test EA and found that it cannot read the file.
