Price for pending orders ASK vs. BID


Hello to everybody...

Even though I know very well the art of the computer programming, I do not know almost anything about coding for trading online...

My need now is to get price for pending orders so, if I well understood the differencies about ASK and BID price I should write this code

   else if(orderType==ORDER_TYPE_BUY_STOP)
      request.type =ORDER_TYPE_BUY_STOP;                                // order type
      price        =SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_ASK)+offset*point; // price for opening 
      request.price=NormalizeDouble(price,digits);                      // normalized opening price 

For BUY STOP orders

and this chunk of code 

else if(orderType==ORDER_TYPE_SELL_STOP)
      request.type     =ORDER_TYPE_SELL_STOP;                           // order type
      price=SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_BID)-offset*point;         // price for opening 
      request.price    =NormalizeDouble(price,digits);                  // normalized opening price 

for SELL STOP orders...

Am I right ?