Activation of MQL5 storage failed [401]


I use MQL4 and I used to use the storage normally but recently MetaEditor asked to Activate the storage !!!! 

and when i trey to do it

- MetaEditor give me this msg (Activation of MQL5 storage failed [401] ) when i try to activate the storage 

while there is no problem with Metatader4 and its is connected normally to the community with the same login and pass  >>

- i try MQL5 and the storage is work okay there 

- i made a new account and try to active the storage from there and its worked okay with the new account and the storage is activated

but when i try to login with the old account in MetaEditor i got this msg: ( Owner MQL5 storage is (new account), change the MQL5 account) but its also login normally with Metatrader4 and connected to the community with the old account  

I want to activate the old storage as my indectors and EAs are saved there 

activation failedchange MQL5 account

Ah. Elbagourey:

I use MQL4 and I used to use the storage normally but recently MetaEditor asked to Activate the storage !!!! 

and when i trey to do it

- MetaEditor give me this msg (Activation of MQL5 storage failed [401] ) when i try to activate the storage 

while there is no problem with Metatader4 and its is connected normally to the community with the same login and pass  >>

- i try MQL5 and the storage is work okay there 

- i made a new account and try to active the storage from there and its worked okay with the new account and the storage is activated

but when i try to login with the old account in MetaEditor i got this msg: ( Owner MQL5 storage is (new account), change the MQL5 account) but its also login normally with Metatrader4 and connected to the community with the old account  

I want to activate the old storage as my indectors and EAs are saved there 

hellooooo,,anyone here can help me ??

I am using the storage with 4 computers in 2 locations + travelling - not a problem at all (I did not have this problem sorry).

  • All my Metatrader instances are having Community tabs filled with my forum login/pass
  • And please note that MetaEditor is also having same Community tab (to be filled) - 


There is one thread where similar issue was fixed - Getting error when commit to the storage, any idea how to fix it?


MetaEditor build 1966 - for MT4 (build for 2009 is for MT5):


Metatrader 4 build 1170


Metatrader 5 build 2009


Some more (for information) - 


Projects and MQL5 Storage (practical example - how I connected step by step) - first page of this thread 
How to use Storage: first page of this thread

Getting error when commit to the storage, any idea how to fix it?
Getting error when commit to the storage, any idea how to fix it?
  • 2018.10.09
Hi everyone, Did you ever get the following error upon storage commit? Any idea how to solve it? Thank you...

And, as I remember, the website for the storage was changed several months ago - 

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Getting error when commit to the storage, any idea how to fix it?

Sergey Golubev, 2018.10.10 16:15

I think - you are using old link.
The storage is here: according to help file: - 

The contents of the repository can be viewed in the browser using the following link: The browser will require from you to enter your account login and password.

Sergey Golubev:

I am using the storage with 4 computers in 2 locations + travelling - not a problem at all (I did not have this problem sorry).

  • All my Metatrader instances are having Community tabs filled with my forum login/pass
  • And please note that MetaEditor is also having same Community tab (to be filled) - 


There is one thread where similar issue was fixed - Getting error when commit to the storage, any idea how to fix it?

Thank you @Sergey Golubev for your answer .. 

Metatrader Community tabs filled with my forum login/pass and its login normally with no problem there.. 

MetaEditor is the one who face the problem when I try to login with same login/pass (by filling the tabs) and give me the msg (Activation of MQL5 storage failed [401] ) 

Metatrader 5 and MetaEditor 5 are working normally with no problem there and the storage is working also with no problem... 

the problem is only with the storage of MetaEditor4 (with the original account ) the new test one is working okay but i want my original one  :) 

I provided all the information I found.
Storage works for me fine (I did not have any single issue about sorry).

Hi, I am new to this technology and I had the same 401 issue when trying to enable the storage.

When I tried to login to I could not but there was no clear error message here or in the log files.

I found that by resetting my password to a longer one I could make it work on both MT4 & 5 (my original password was only 6 chars long - the new one is 12)...

I suggest using a longer password.

Good luck!

Wayne Mason:
Can't any laptop, computers androids and other digital or technical hardware have there storages How's it no_one can redirect those problems to a file that is in sd cards or something like that where you can always find it, I don't know I'm know pro that's yours guys job that's just my opinion. 
Wayne Mason:
Can't any laptop, computers androids and other digital or technical hardware have there storages How's it no_one can redirect those problems to a file that is in sd cards or something like that where you can always find it, I don't know I'm know pro that's yours guys job that's just my opinion. 

If I understand you correctly - you are talking about manually copying the files. It is easy to do that - just right click on the file and select "Open Folder" and you will find the files. 

I was interested in having version control and shared projects for my team - this is so much easier with integrated tools of this nature and I was pleased to see MQL offer this.