Turning "Auto Trading" ON/OFF on Metatrader VPS

If one has several open charts, each chart with its own EA, running under the so-called "Metatrader VPS", what procedure should be used to stop only the EA of one specific chart but not the other EAs ?
Simple you either erase the chart of if you want to see the chart well you just click on the smiley face go to Common and unchecked the one that says allow live trading and that's it you will still see the chart but it won't put no orders
Rodolfo Almeida Marin:
Simple you either erase the chart of if you want to see the chart well you just click on the smiley face go to Common and unchecked the one that says allow live trading and that's it you will still see the chart but it won't put no orders

Thank you, Rodolfo.

So are you saying that disallowing live trading alone does the trick, without need to re-synchronise EAs ?

What about if I want to disable all EAs at the same time and in a hurry, say for example, seconds before some potentially devastating news ?  As I understand it, clicking the "Auto Trading" button has no effect when running on a Metatrader VPS.