Article pulbication

I have noticed the new articles publications continue appearing but my article is still on draft for almost 2 months. In addition the articles that are being published seem to be of people and nationalities in specific. Could someone explain this to me?

First of all - I want to remind about this thread (it is about automatic in-built translation feature on every post of the forum so you can read and write on the other languages) - 


Automatic translation feature

Automatic Translation of Forum Messages from Any Language
Automatic Translation of Forum Messages from Any Language
  • 2013.08.09
  • forum now features automatic translation of any messages...

And about the articles ...

Admins are using this thread in rus part of the forum: Write and earn in MQL5
They are uploading the a table with the names of the articles to write.
And users (who want to write some of the articles) are selecting the article and responding.

People are waiting for this table with the titles of articles to offer to write some of them.
Example with the last table: post #1142

So, if you (and everybody) are interesting to write the articles - look at this thread and wait for the table with the names of the articles proposed to write. For example, you can choose some of the article to write from here: #1142 

It is what I know.


I have no idea about the articles on draft (I am reading/moderating the forum only sorry).

Sergey Golubev:

So, if you (and everybody) are interesting to write the articles - look at this thread and wait for the table with the names of the articles proposed to write. For example, you can choose some of the article to write from here: #1142 

It is what I know.


I have no idea about the articles on draft (I am reading/moderating the forum only sorry).

You mean now mql5 will propose the article to write? here you can see my article temporally:

My article is about Deep Neural Networks. I think this will help lot to the community. Looks like mql5 is not accepting the article in English. 

I can do more articles like this but under the current situation, it will be not possible.

Programming a Deep Neural Network from Scratch using MQL Language
Programming a Deep Neural Network from Scratch using MQL Language
  • 2019.01.27
Since machine learning has recently gained popularity, many have heard about Deep Learning and desire to know how to apply it in the MQL language. I have seen simple implementations of artificial neurons with activation functions, but nothing that implements a real Deep Neural Network. In this article, I will introduce to you a Deep Neural...