Get the current Pass no while in Strategy Tester


I am trying to obtain the number of Pass currently executed while in an optimization.

The idea is that while in a Slow Complete algorithm I want to execute only certain steps.

Up to now, I tried this by using a terminal Global Variable created _within_ the Optimization (as the normal terminal GV variables cannot be used) but this doesn't work.

Can somebody please confirm whether my code below is correct ?
Also, is there a way to use OnTesterPass to get the Pass number, without writing and reading to / from an external file ?

Thank you very much.

double pass_no;
int OnInit() 
   if ( GlobalVariableTemp("g_pass_no") )
      pass_no = GlobalVariableGet("g_pass_no");
      if (pass_no < 3)
            return( INIT_PARAMETERS_INCORRECT );
      GlobalVariableSet("g_pass_no", pass_no++);