Is it possible to make over $50,000 or more monthly?


This may sound alot of money but like what the question says. Is this possible even for an experience trader? Reason I ask this is because as many of you know many brokers come and go and if there is a handful of experience traders the brokers would be out of money and cannot pay new clients. Is this correct?

Or big companies (not to mention it here) Could they pay these experience clients that much money? Your experience opinion is needed. 



Yes, of course. There is more than enough money floating around the world.

So there is people who makes that much or more?
John Suka:
So there is people who makes that much or more?
Yes, but they've probably been in the game for a while and have developed superstrict dicipline.
John Suka:
So there is people who makes that much or more?

Of course there are.

What makes you think there aren't ?

Marco vd Heijden:

Of course there are.

What makes you think there aren't ?

Well been reading forum, blogs and such and and have never come across well known top forex traders only stock traders. Could you give me an example of people? 
John Suka:
Well been reading forum, blogs and such and and have never come across well known top forex traders only stock traders. Could you give me an example of people? 
Most people who make north of 50k per month, they don't actually advertise it. They sit in the shadows, trade their trades, get paid, and then they switch off their PCs and enjoy their lives. Why would a PRO who makes 50k+ per month bother?

Really ? you think that these people will come to the forum and shout it from the rooftops what their profits are ?

I am not going to give you examples because i am afraid that you will try to start bothering them.

This has happened to me in the past, those people who ask non stop questions, when you answer one they ask a 100 more.

Those type of people are the biggest nuisance i have ever had to deal with in my entire life.

They pretend to like you but all they want is to steal or copy your success. 

Marco vd Heijden:

Really ? you think that these people will come to the forum and shout it from the rooftops what their profits are ?

I am not going to give you examples because i am afraid that you will try to start bothering them.

This has happened to me in the past, those people who ask non stop questions, when you answer one they ask a 100 more.

Those type of people are the biggest nuisance i have ever had to deal with in my entire life.

They pretend to like you but all they want is to steal or copy your success. 

Dude be smart if you don't want to answer then don't. It's just questions. People learn by asking questions. My question was can you name some people that is it. 


Forget it.

People learn by trying until they succeed. 

It's called experience.