How can I send orders from outside of the MT5 to MT5?



My broker doesn't allow automatic trading, but I can send buy/sell commands(also conditional commands) manually. So I like to know, if I write an external program, how can I send buy/sell commands from my external program to my MT5? 

Maybe you better switch broker.
Marco vd Heijden:
Maybe you better switch broker.

Consider it's impossible. Will my idea work? How?

It will be very difficult to accomplish.
Marco vd Heijden:
It will be very difficult to accomplish.

Yes I know, but what utilities does MT5 offer for doing this? For example can I write my orders in a text file and read the text file with MT5 and send buy/sell commands to the server automatically?

Or is there an API from MT5, I can include it im my program and it gives me the access to control MT5, then I can send commands to MT5 from inside of my program?


That will not work because those orders will be recognized as being sent from an EA or Script.

You can however hack windows so that it controls the terminal over your screen as you would normally do.

The difficulty hides in selecting the instruments and SLTP levels and all that.

Maybe you better switch broker.