I need to code a indi and need to hire someone to do the job. How can I know he won't give it away to others?



I have a very simple tough interesting idea for a indicator, but don't know anything about coding, so I need to hire someone to do the job.

The question is: what guarantees do I have this person won't share it with other people? 

How can i know he won't modify it just as much as needed to make it different and then treat it like his own work?



I have a very simple tough interesting idea for a indicator, but don't know anything about coding, so I need to hire someone to do the job.

The question is: what guarantees do I have this person won't share it with other people? 

How can i know he won't modify it just as much as needed to make it different and then treat it like his own work?

Generally, we developers have gone through so many ideas(most of them are bullshit anyway) that we are not really bothered with them anymore. Still, if you are suspicious, you can sign a Non Disclosure Agreement to protect your idea. 

Nitin Raj:

Generally, we developers have gone through so many ideas(most of them are bullshit anyway) that we are not really bothered with them anymore. Still, if you are suspicious, you can sign a Non Disclosure Agreement to protect your idea. 

Will it come with increased cost?

Where can i find one?

The question is: what guarantees do I have this person won't share it with other people? 

How can i know he won't modify it just as much as needed to make it different and then treat it like his own work?

You have no guarantee.

NDA's and contracts are best used to spell out details of the business arrangement. In short: they keep honest people honest.

Think about this scenario:

You hire someone who steals your work, even though you have an NDA and/or a contract. What will you do next? Will you hire an attorney and bring him/her to court?

Programmers (expecially ones with a lot of job) will not have time to figure out what you will do with ea or indicator. Even if it works, they many not know intended purpose. It is all perception of what you have. What crappy to one trader can be a goldmine to the next. 

Try to build a relationship of trust to one or more developers and come back to them if things work out.

Having a longterm customer is more valuable for a devs than make one-time profit?



I have a very simple tough interesting idea for a indicator, but don't know anything about coding, so I need to hire someone to do the job.

The question is: what guarantees do I have this person won't share it with other people? 

How can i know he won't modify it just as much as needed to make it different and then treat it like his own work?

You have no guarantees... The best you can do is to sign a contract with someone in your country. No NDA will save you if you hire someone from other countries.

Enforce a NDA and have a contract signed with your country's copyright enforcement rules... Event this could fail, but at least you applied several strong filters to purge programming mercenaries...




I have a very simple tough interesting idea for a indicator, but don't know anything about coding, so I need to hire someone to do the job.

The question is: what guarantees do I have this person won't share it with other people? 

How can i know he won't modify it just as much as needed to make it different and then treat it like his own work?

In some cases such as simple arrow indicators you can do without a person.

Of course, this will require a more complex and expensive tool.

For example it can be machine learning and the automatic source code generator of the indicator by the template in the form of arrows marked on the terminal price chart.



I have a very simple tough interesting idea for a indicator, but don't know anything about coding, so I need to hire someone to do the job.

The question is: what guarantees do I have this person won't share it with other people? 

How can i know he won't modify it just as much as needed to make it different and then treat it like his own work?

Well, it is my experience that there is virtually nothing that has not coded for MT4/MT5 yet - so start searching first.


Look at this theory. Lets say that your EA work and coder wants to steal it. What are the outcomes. 

1. You and Coder have working EA...........but Forex Market is Multi Trillion Dollar industry. You dont think there is room for multiple people have this code and make millions unnoticed? 

2. Coder tried to sell code as holy grail. When i go to MQL website to purchase an EA, i have a page that has 66 EA's for sale. I then have a ticker that says 1 of 168 pages. 66 * 168 = 11,088 EA currently available for download.  So now the programmer will have to market EA, which may take more effort then just trading it him/herself.

3. What i found really to be true is related to the above. EA's that really work are less likely to be sold. A, effort to support the EA seems more headache then to just trade account.  Also if it works, it this coder may think the way you do..........and will be unwilling to share with the public for the same reason you dont want to share.

Point being, that even without legal consideration, there is human psychology that may cause the EA to not be marketed as well. If he.she steals it, then i guess you both can meet up for lunch together one day, because there will be enough money for you both, plus hundreds more using the same strategy. But its just a theory :)