from : https://www.mql5.com/en/code/19703 downloaded latest files, and everything is awesome  ..but   did anybody is able to create a Dialog_window  (W_DIALOG)   ...In my case the window is created but I'm not able to move it.

I read article  https://www.mql5.com/en/articles/2308  where previous version is demonstrated but if it is possible I.m trying to avoid to comeback to this version 

Is anybody know where is the problem

My creation method  :   (standard)

bool classInterface::metCrWnd_TradesView(const string text,int x_gap,int y_gap)

   int x =(clsgWnd_TradesView.X()>0) ? clsgWnd_TradesView.X() : 100;
   int y =(clsgWnd_TradesView.Y()>0) ? clsgWnd_TradesView.Y() : 100;

   clsgWnd_TradesView.XSize(x_gap);  //m_window.XSize(350);
   clsgWnd_TradesView.YSize(y_gap);   //m_window.YSize(200);

   clsgWnd_TradesView.WindowType(W_DIALOG);  // W_MAIN    W_DIALOG

//--- Creating a form


 and in events handler section :

//### >Show Trades< Button Click Actions
            Print(defLineInfo+"Show Trades presed");


but the result is just static window and not able to close. Please help :)

EasyAndFastGUI library for creating graphical interfaces
EasyAndFastGUI library for creating graphical interfaces
  • www.mql5.com
The EasyAndFastGUI library allows creating graphical interfaces for custom MQL programs.

Please post in the related topic, don't create a new one. Thanks.

When you post on original topic, the author get a notification, with a new topic he doesn't.

Marcin Rutkowski:

from : https://www.mql5.com/en/code/19703 downloaded latest files, and everything is awesome  ..but   did anybody is able to create a Dialog_window  (W_DIALOG)   ...In my case the window is created but I'm not able to move it.

I read article  https://www.mql5.com/en/articles/2308  where previous version is demonstrated but if it is possible I.m trying to avoid to comeback to this version 

Is anybody know where is the problem

My creation method  :   (standard)

 and in events handler section :

but the result is just static window and not able to close. Please help :)

You'll need an OnChartEvent. That library is a excellent choice, I found it also lighter than the standard lib controls.

A big hup for the author @Anatoli Kazharski 

Alain Verleyen:

Please post in the related topic, don't create a new one. Thanks.

When you post on original topic, the author get a notification, with a new topic he doesn't.

I'm sorry if I  broke the rules, not intentionally   ..I always do dip search before asking the question.  How I'm able to know witch witch "topic" is  original??  for future reference 

...this is all new for me and always I'm asking the questions if I'm not able to find the answer by my self, but later on I will return the favour and help others :)

Icham Aidibe:

You'll need an OnChartEvent. That library is a excellent choice, I found it also lighter than the standard lib controls.

A big hup for the author @Anatoli Kazharski

Is  there a example (any)  of creating  extra window (dialog or main) using files from https://www.mql5.com/en/code/19703 (last article about the subject i think) .   ..Dialog is working OK if we use library before transparency was implemented but since "coo blue"  interface everything is awesome but "dialog" window :)

regardless this lib is impressive piece of work. I said thank you  to the author few times already, i don't want to repeat myself :)         ...to the question   ...if you would have example of code  to open new window this would be perfect  (except color picker   ...if pointer from color picker is linked with new dialog   ..then dialog wnd is working)     ....im after blank dialog window (to put tables inside)

PS  ..If You know where is "related topic" section for this type of questions ?:)

Regards and thank You

EasyAndFastGUI library for creating graphical interfaces
EasyAndFastGUI library for creating graphical interfaces
  • www.mql5.com
The EasyAndFastGUI library allows creating graphical interfaces for custom MQL programs.
Marcin Rutkowski:

I'm sorry if I  broke the rules, not intentionally   ..I always do dip search before asking the question.  How I'm able to know witch witch "topic" is  original??  for future reference 

...this is all new for me and always I'm asking the questions if I'm not able to find the answer by my self, but later on I will return the favour and help others :)

It's not a rule, it's a best practice.

Bottom of each code in Codebase, or article in Articles section there is a link "Got to discussion".

For this library it is https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/229066

Libraries: EasyAndFastGUI library for creating graphical interfaces
Libraries: EasyAndFastGUI library for creating graphical interfaces
  • 2018.03.01
  • www.mql5.com
Articles, Library comments: Libraries: EasyAndFastGUI library for creating graphical interfaces