Malware issues while using WINE?



My computer has very recentely gotten infected with a virus. In order to avoid this happening another time (or at least reduce the chance), I was thinking of switching of operating system. Instead of using Windows which is my current OS I'd like to consider Ubuntu (and maybe even Mac). I mean for me personally, it doesn't really make any difference what the layout looks like because I can work just as well with any OS. Therefore I only want to find out whether it actually does reduce the chances of being infected with malware (significantly). Even though I do know that these operating systems are generally considered to be more secure, I also know that programs like metatrader are specifically designed for Windows so you'll have to use something like WINE for Ubuntu.

My question is whether or not this changes anything. Does using WINE in Linux make it close to as prone to malware as Windows? I could even imagine that it might somehow be worse because you'll be running programs on an OS for which it wasn't created. 

Ken Serev:


My computer has very recentely gotten infected with a virus. In order to avoid this happening another time (or at least reduce the chance), I was thinking of switching of operating system. Instead of using Windows which is my current OS I'd like to consider Ubuntu (and maybe even Mac). I mean for me personally, it doesn't really make any difference what the layout looks like because I can work just as well with any OS. Therefore I only want to find out whether it actually does reduce the chances of being infected with malware (significantly). Even though I do know that these operating systems are generally considered to be more secure, I also know that programs like metatrader are specifically designed for Windows so you'll have to use something like WINE for Ubuntu.

My question is whether or not this changes anything. Does using WINE in Linux make it close to as prone to malware as Windows? I could even imagine that it might somehow be worse because you'll be running programs on an OS for which it wasn't created. 

If you stop visiting suspicious websites and stop downloading "free" comercial software you will probably not get any malware or viruses...

No OS will save you if you continue to have such of behavior...

Ken Serev:


My computer has very recentely gotten infected with a virus. In order to avoid this happening another time (or at least reduce the chance), I was thinking of switching of operating system. Instead of using Windows which is my current OS I'd like to consider Ubuntu (and maybe even Mac). I mean for me personally, it doesn't really make any difference what the layout looks like because I can work just as well with any OS. Therefore I only want to find out whether it actually does reduce the chances of being infected with malware (significantly). Even though I do know that these operating systems are generally considered to be more secure, I also know that programs like metatrader are specifically designed for Windows so you'll have to use something like WINE for Ubuntu.

My question is whether or not this changes anything. Does using WINE in Linux make it close to as prone to malware as Windows? I could even imagine that it might somehow be worse because you'll be running programs on an OS for which it wasn't created. 

Currently i'm running Metatrader 5 on (K)ubuntu using WINE, and it works just fine. 

And just as Minions Labs said be careful on the internet. But installing Windows malware on a Linux or Mac system will not affect that system.  


There are viruses for everyone...

If you  are asked to give ADMINISTRATIVE permission (a.k.a. entering your password to installing something)  you are giving away the soul of your machine...

Be smart...


In order to avoid this happening another time

As @Minions Labs points out, there are viruses for everyone—all OS's have them.

(or at least reduce the chance)

Ah, well that's different. Yes, switching to Linux will likely reduce the chance of you getting a virus. A simple search on Google gives this:

While I cannot substantiate everything these guys say, I believe them.

Now that said, I think you're throwing out the baby with the bath water, making a mountain out of a mole hill, and probably several other idioms that fit here. I've never* used virus protection on any OS since DOS 1.1, and I've only gotten 1 virus ever, and that was because I was surfing a website I shouldn't have.

Good clean living is your answer—not switching to a different OS.

* by "never" I mean for my personal use. I've worked at companies where it was required.


Undocked charts works better in LInux. Otherwise MTs are uglier, because Wine has the old XP-like interface without graphic acceleration.

Linux+Wine is safer because it doesn't have autorun and similar "features", but security has more to do with browser settings and habits. Use adblockers, maybe even script blocker, clean regularly cache and cookies and everything and you'll be fine. In Firefox you can have "containers" and profiles, so it has the ability to completely separate browsing porn from banking for example if you set it up. That means even if you catch a virus it won't breach your security.