Problem Programmer


I hired someone a couple of weeks ago to fix an EA another programmer I hired messed up. The previous programmer who made the EA 100% ignored me about an issue with the EA after payment was sent. I hired someone new to fix the error and add account locking to an account number. For whatever reason while I tested it before payment was sent it worked. The problem was intermittent before and I didn't know at the time it wasn't fixed at all until after the payment was sent. I contacted the programmer and he even promised to fix it after payment was sent if the same issue came up. Not only did the issue happened again when I rebooted my platform his account locking feature didn't work and said the indicator and EA weren't allowed to be on that platform even though it was assigned to the right account. I went back to the developer and asked him to fix it. He kept saying he would in a few hours and over a week later he has stopped replying to me.

I contacted the MQl5 support and they basically told me try to private messaging him which I have been doing since the 13th with no replies. They also told me I need to add more time for testing. So basically they won't investigate or contact or do anything to the developer? I basically paid for something that doesn't work in any business that would be considered fraud or I you would be at least entitled to a refund. I don't want to go to my credit card company or Pay Pal but what other options do I have? It upsets me knowing this guy has my money and lied to me about fixing issues with my project. I haven't filed a dispute yet because I can't afford to have my account here compromised if I file a dispute.

I noticed a pattern programmers after paid disappear even if there work has issues. Before I could read reviews and and weed out bad programmers who disappear or have issues supporting there work. I contacted the staff here and they pretty much told me it's my fault because I didn't allow enough time to review everything. The first project was over 2 weeks the second one was about a week. I feel I did give it enough time. 

What are my options just deal with the programmers literally ripping me off and taking my money or should I file a dispute with my credit card company or PayPal? Why won't support here talk to the programmers and pretty much only blame the customer for programmers programming issues?