Does MT5 Strategy Tester Agent starts when PC is turned on?

Hi everyone
my question is simple: if i installed MT5 Strategy Tester Agent on PC, i have to execute it every time i reboot PC? or is automatic?

What do you think will happen if someone is using your tester agent and you shut it down ?
I don't know, probably system give another agent to that "someone".
But this isn't the answer to my question....Tester Agent starts on engine or i have to start manually?

Have you seen this ?

Yes but i didn't read xD
That means is automatic.
Thank you Marco

It means they do not expect you to turn it off in those blue ones.

When you do, while it is being used, all the work done will be lost, and some other agent will have to start all over again.

The ones that are always running get the most job's.

If you shut it down you will drop down and get less and less work.

So if you shut it down multiple times, in the blue zones, you will drop to the point where you won't get any more jobs.



I am using the Local Network Farm on Pc "A", using agents from Pc "B".

So something happened to PC B and the agents are not working anymore as slaves for Pc "A"

I tried to reboot B, I have Deactivated PC B agents on the PC A Local Farm network section and reactivated them, still they are not working

Please advise, how to get PC B agents again active on PC A Network Farm (The analysis is still running, it needs to support the current running analysis)