Iphone app MT4 history tab

How can I set the history tab of the MT4 iOS App to « Day » by default ? 
Each time I run the iphone MT4 App it is by default on « Month » and when I set it to « Day » it’s ok only until next reopening of the App. 


How can I set the history tab of the MT4 iOS App to « Day » by default ? 
Each time I run the iphone MT4 App it is by default on « Month » and when I set it to « Day » it’s ok only until next reopening of the App. 


yeah.. I noticed this too... it used to remember the old setting... was it caused by a new MT4 patch?
yeah.. I noticed this too... it used to remember the old setting... was it caused by a new MT4 patch?

Maybe I don't know... It just happened one day recently and can't figure it out...