Poorly calculated statistics

I have a problem with poorly calculated statistics in my signal.
My signal is called [name of the signal was deleted by moderator] and the link is [signal link was deleted by moderator].

The graph shows a drop of 100%, but that's wrong. The original deposit was $300 and then I put in $300 (2018.07.27) and $303 (2018.07.30). 
The largest drop was 2018.08.31 to $524. This is about 58% of the deposit. 

Does somebody know, how to contact mql support and how to ask them to check it ?

Thank you
Václav Macák
Vaclav Macak: Hello. I have a problem with poorly calculated statistics in my signal. My signal is called "[???]" and the link is [???]. The graph shows a drop of 100%, but that's wrong. The original deposit was $300 and then I put in $300 (2018.07.27) and $303 (2018.07.30). The largest drop was 2018.08.31 to $524. This is about 58% of the deposit. Does somebody know, how to contact mql support and how to ask them to check it ?

The drop of 100% is correct in terms of the opening balance. The drop of 58% is in respect to total equity (including multiple deposits), not of the original opening balance deposit of only $300.

I am afraid your strategy or signal has very bad money management even if you wish to consider it to be 58%. I would worry more about you fixing that than the difference of opinion on how the metric should be calculated.