Need help with Metatrader with Ubuntu


'Speed Slider' button to adjust speed is not showing.. I believe I have installed the necessary wine elements.  wine tricks and fonts.. If there's no fix for this in Ubuntu, would it be possible for the default speed for the Strategy Tester to be set to 32 automatically? 


The speed slider does not work.

Need a better answer than that..
MetTram: Need a better answer than that..

There are certain things of that just do not work correctly at all when used in a WINE environment. MetaTrader is designed to work on Windows and it has some incompatibilities with WINE.

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The speed slider does not work on Ubuntu.

Use windows or windows on Oracle VM.

Fernando Carreiro:

There are certain things of that just do not work correctly at all when used in a WINE environment. MetaTrader is designed to work on Windows and it has some incompatibilities with WINE.

I guess not.. oh well it was worth a try. I guess I'm a slave to windows..
I guess not.. oh well it was worth a try. I guess I'm a slave to windows..

If that's your objective to stick to windows then that's pretty remarkable.

You don't even need that slider.

It's the last thing i would worry about.

Marco vd Heijden:

If that's your objective to stick to windows then that's pretty remarkable.

You don't even need that slider.

It's the last thing i would worry about.

How do I get the speed to 32 without it? Do you know what I'm saying?  Never said my obfective is to stick with windows. I would like to use Ubuntu.. It's more secure and interchangable with new equipment.

Thanks for your comment.. Hopefully there's a resolution to this.


Yes there is a resolution to it.

Just don't use it.

Why do you need it ?

A new answer for an old thread...

Select "Visual Mode" if you look carefully you should see a small dash "-" that is your slider.... It is hard to see but it is there.

Have a nice day


Need a better answer than that..

hi , it  fine with me  on ubuntu 20.4 and everything ok.

i used this commands 

step 1:

sudo apt-get install wine-stable

step 2:

download your mt4 broker file then


cd Downloads/ wine pepperstone4setup.exe

you must tell the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS desktop (which is now based on Gnome,) to trust the shortcut. Right click on the desktop icon and select "Allow Launching" to enable the shortcut to work as expected:

Allow Launching to enable the shortcut to work as expected: