METATRADER 4 stopped working on the latest update of windows 10 - page 2

Fernando Carreiro:
Update your MetaTrader v4 build to the latest. That build is too old!

I tried many brokers with a newer build and still the same problem !!

Fernando Carreiro:
Update your MetaTrader v4 build to the latest. That build is too old!
As I know the build 1090 is the latest official version of MT4. The build 1126 is just a beta version.
Petr Nosek: As I know the build 1090 is the latest official version of MT4. The build 1126 is just a beta version.

No! That build has been steadily updated to address many issues, including compatibility with the later builds of Windows 10.

However, some brokers have not updated the build and in those cases, one needs to connect to the MetaQuotes servers to get it!

Fernando Carreiro:

No! That build has been steadily updated to address many issues, including compatibility with the later builds of Windows 10.

However, some brokers have not updated the build and in those cases, one needs to connect to the MetaQuotes servers to get it!

I think you are wrong. See official release notes:

And there are a few discussion about it on this forum:


All, I can say is that I had to update it several times since 1090 due to problems, either with Windows 10 updates are due to code problems.

The latest was from 1121 to 1126 due to the following:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

indicator not displaying properly

Mladen Rakic, 2018.09.16 19:14

If I remember correctly build 1121 had some issues and it was upgraded very quickly to build 1126 - try upgrading to the build I am using (1126)
Fernando Carreiro:

No! That build has been steadily updated to address many issues, including compatibility with the later builds of Windows 10.

However, some brokers have not updated the build and in those cases, one needs to connect to the MetaQuotes servers to get it!

I couldn't find that revision online, do you have any link to download it and test?


I couldn't find that revision online, do you have any link to download it and test?

I'm currently running the following without any problems:

  • Windows 10 Pro (Version 1803 Build 17134.286)
  • MetaTrader v4 (Build 1090)

I guess you have to search a problem elsewhere (not in Windows and Metatrader builds).


there is a small difference :

mine is a Windows 10 home yours is a pro revision and the issue appeared directly the update was done.

I tried to install MT5  it worked normally.


1126 is a beta, the only way to get it is to update from MetaQuotes's server (which is not available for initial install).

Try installing MT4 outside Program Files, in User/Public or other partition, preferably with /portable flag (run mt4setup.exe from cmd adding a space and the flag at the end).


there is a small difference :

mine is a Windows 10 home yours is a pro revision and the issue appeared directly the update was done.

I tried to install MT5  it worked normally.

It is common sense but, just to be sure, only install the MT4 version that matches your processor (32 or 64-bits)...

Also, try to disable temporarily your anti-virus software, it seems that your installation went through an "internal error" - like, anti-virus removing MT4 files in realtime during installation...
