Signal Subscribers increase, but Funds subscribed do not


Why have I gone from one Subscriber to two Subscribers, yet the Funds subscribed to my Signal remain at $9800?

Is it possible for someone to subscribe to a Real signal with $0 Funds?

Is this a website error?

Matthew Todorovski:

Why have I gone from one Subscriber to two Subscribers, yet the Funds subscribed to my Signal remain at $9800?

Is it possible for someone to subscribe to a Real signal with $0 Funds?

Is this a website error?

Maybe the subscribers funds ins't enough to round up to 9.9K? (cent account?)

Matthew Todorovski:

Why have I gone from one Subscriber to two Subscribers, yet the Funds subscribed to my Signal remain at $9800?

Is it possible for someone to subscribe to a Real signal with $0 Funds?

Is this a website error?

Yes, someone maybe has subscribed only to have access to your open trades or he/she maybe have subscribed with a low amount.

A subscription is possible with 0 funds or $1, yes its possible.


Hmm, yes, possible, possible.

Thanks for the suggestions.

I wish MQL could give me the reason. If this is an error then only they can correct this. Forum can only provide hypotheses and conjectures. I want the reason MQL "Support".


By logical deduction;

I can subscribe with 1k fund on account, withdraw 1k, and then what? MQL removes my subscription I paid for because my balance is zero? 

It is not an error. It is a phenomenon impossible to avoid.  

Enrique Dangeroux:

By logical deduction;

I can subscribe with 1k fund on account, withdraw 1k, and then what? MQL removes my subscription I paid for because my balance is zero? 

It is not an error. It is a phenomenon impossible to avoid.  

You can subscribe with a zero funds account.

The subscription is valid until the expiration date is due or you cancel your subscription, nothing to do with account balance.