Any great idea about HEDGING positions welcome here - page 41


all people that have eyes can take a look and see themselves.

in the  future i will reveal more profitable hedging strategies results.

and you can be opposite until the end of the world.

so glad I got to know you through this forum. How to become a successful trader?
so glad I got to know you through this forum. How to become a successful trader?

becoming a successful trader is not have the single road map for all traders.

each trader based on his/her mentality and interests  must buil up his own strategy.

for example one trader like an intra day approach but another one like swing trading.

but let me help you with just 1 single statement that can be my whole 10 year experience result:

"to be a consistently profitable trader you have to make an adaptable automatic strategy"

and that system is hedging for me...

Seyedmajid Masharian:

becoming a successful trader is not have the single road map for all traders.

each trader based on his/her mentality and interests  must buil up his own strategy.

for example one trader like an intra day approach but another one like swing trading.

but let me help you with just 1 single statement that can be my whole 10 year experience result:

"to be a consistently profitable trader you have to make an adaptable automatic strategy"

and that system is hedging for me...

Im interested in knowing how has it been for the last six months?


Im interested in knowing how has it been for the last six months?

i am working on 7 different EAs and i think they will be finish next 3 months and ready to coding.

Every hedge has a cost, so before you decide to use hedging, you must ask yourself if the benefits received from it justify the expense. Remember, the goal of hedging isn't to make money but to protect from losses. The cost of the hedge – whether it is the cost of an option or lost profits from being on the wrong side of a futures contract – cannot be avoided. This is the price you pay to avoid uncertainty.
Ramachandran Palanisamy:
Every hedge has a cost, so before you decide to use hedging, you must ask yourself if the benefits received from it justify the expense. Remember, the goal of hedging isn't to make money but to protect from losses. The cost of the hedge – whether it is the cost of an option or lost profits from being on the wrong side of a futures contract – cannot be avoided. This is the price you pay to avoid uncertainty.

i hedg my positions in order to be in the latest right side of the market so it can protct me from falling into loss + make me consistent profit.

but 99% of people doesnt know how to hedge correctly and that remaining %1 (that i am among them) dont reveal those highly profitable secrets at all.

this is an art more than trading itself.

Seyedmajid Masharian:

 and that remaining %1 (that i am among them) dont reveal those highly profitable secrets at all.

So what you are basically saying is that this topic is to collect any great ideas about hedging from other users,

While you do not reveal those highly profitable secrets at all, yourself...

This once more confirms what we have all been saying from the very beginning. 

Marco vd Heijden:

So what you are basically saying is that this topic is to collect any great ideas about hedging from other users,

While you do not reveal those highly profitable secrets at all, yourself...

This once more confirms what we have all been saying from the very beginning. 

maybe i want to reveal but not in buplic just to those that give any good idea here ...

This is an open forum for everybody.