Libraries: ZeroMQ asynchronous communication - page 3


hiii starry

My requirement is to establish server client tcp communication in mt4 

I have downloaded your lib and trying to execute your sample zmq_pub_sub

i get an error while binding the socket..error no is 22 but i see just '???' in error string  

int z_bind (int socket,string endpoint) { //for the servers

  z_trace("z_bind: "+endpoint); 

  int ret = _zmq_bind(socket,endpoint);  


am using build 670..Any help would be appreciated..

@freewanderer, I'm getting the exact same error, I'm using build 890.

Did you fix this by any chance? Thanks!

As this thread is quite old you should post your question in their mailing list or bug tracker and if you are nice you can post here their reaction?

I tried but unable to get it working.

Publish from mt4 is not working..getting error 22 .Using build 950.

However request from mt4 works

Does this library work anymore for publish-subscribe model?Is anyone using it? 


I've updated this code for builds > 600. The code is on github

Checked with build 950 and all functions seems to work correctly. I've even removed all compilation warnings the Metatrader was complaining.


Nice work.

Is there any similar solution in MT5?



is ZeroMQ working on mql5 indicators?You know billt-in mql5 socket only works on EA and script.