
I bought some products, but I paid it from my company account. Ihaven't found any document which can be used as invoice or at least receipt statement. Does anybody know where to find or how to get invoice?
I bought some products, but I paid it from my company account. Ihaven't found any document which can be used as invoice or at least receipt statement. Does anybody know where to find or how to get invoice?

Same here, I want to know if there's any invoice that I can have. Services Desk told me they won't provide it

By law, I thought anything you purchased from merchant are suppose to get an invoice or receipt.

I bought some products, but I paid it from my company account. Ihaven't found any document which can be used as invoice or at least receipt statement. Does anybody know where to find or how to get invoice?

Hi if you goto payment tab (LHS of your profile) and scroll thru u will c a list of products/signal subscriptions that you have purchased and its amount 😁. You may need to do a screen print to prove purchase. MQL also send an email that you have make a purchase but didnt have the actual receipt or amt stated. This is the best I could find to help with your issue. If you are using company funds I guess your company knows or pre approve of such purchases, so u have to explain to them that the only record is via your profile's payment screen as well as email ack that is sent to email whereby you register w MQL as a member 🤗

This must be some kind of joke. Every company needs to provide an invoice. Did anyone find out how to get an invoice? A screenshot won´t work for the HMRC, that`s for sure.

Today, still same problem...

If you type "Invoice" at the askbot, it will reply "I don't understand"

If you try to contact support, there is not such category

You can't send any message to "system" and in the past, when it was possible, they didn't reply

it's fu**ing disgusting that you buy something and they don't issue any proof, receipt, invoice with their details... and they are based in Cyprus, so EU rules apply to them as well...

Look at the screenshot... they closed any possibility, they can't accept that you want to contact them for "OTHER" reason