Metatrader trademarks/copyright infringement



I'm not sure if this is the right place to get an official response from metatrader, but here goes. I was recently informed by a third party site that I was violating mt4's trademark by editing an EA I wrote from scratch myself. This doesn't make sense to me. Is this really a thing?

Apparently Metatrader has in the past approached them with complaints about people editing both ex4 and mq4 files. I was under the impression mq4 files are source files and can be modified without running afoul of any rules. Even the official freelance section of this site allows such modifications. Is there really a problem here?

I'm really hoping for an official response.


You are unlikely to get an official response here.

If you wrote the EA completely yourself, then there is no reason that you cannot edit your own work. That would be ridiculous.


The copyright statement is coded in the header of the source code.

So if you wrote it from scratch, that should state yourself.

Is this third party by any chance, publishing code ? 

Because i can think of one situation where the edited code, is decompiled code, in that case it is most likely to be pirated code.

I assume this third party to have had issues with that, rather then with the example you presented here.

To prevent further trouble they usually just reject any code editing, to make sure that they stay on the safe side.


Any idea where I can contact anyone to get an official response?

For the record, it's completely coded from scratch myself.

Shi Jun Ng:

Any idea where I can contact anyone to get an official response?

For the record, it's completely coded from scratch myself.

official response?

I used google and found: 
go to this link - 'Company' - and so on


This forum is not related to it sorry.

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