Cuanto tiempo más se podrá seguir operando en MT4?


Hi, I've been working with MT4 for 2 years now and I've done very well. I've explored a little MT5, but I prefer to continue with the version I have.

I would like to know if you know how much longer you can continue to operate in MT4, I do not know if they plan to discontinue this version or what plans they have for the future.

Antonio Martínez :

Hola, llevo ya 2 años operando con MT4 y me ha ido muy bien, he explorado un poco MT5 sin embargo prefiero seguir en la versión que tengo.

Quisiera saber si saben cuanto tiempo más se podrá seguir operando en MT4, no sé si tienen pensado descontinuar esta versión o qué planes tienen para el futuro.

MT4 no longer has official support so it is a matter of few years that it disappears. Personally I believe that in 3 years its use will be residual.

  1. Please post in English on this forum. Use the automatic translation tool if needed. Use simple language structure when using mechanical translation.

  2. Why did you post your MT4 question in the Root / MT5 General section instead of the MQL4 section, (bottom of the Root page?)
              General rules and best pratices of the Forum. - General - MQL5 programming forum
    Next time post in the correct place. The moderators will likely move this thread there soon.

Fernando Morales :

MT4 ya no tiene soporte oficial así que es cuestión de pocos años que desaparezca. Personalmente creo que en 3 años su uso será residual.

What a disappointment, I hope it's more time.