Indicators: Next price predictor using Neural Network - page 5


But I have created the dll with x64.

In the case of that dll, it is not enough just to change the platform. You have to make changes in the code too

For start : check the 3rd line of stdafx.h file. And so on ...

Mladen Rakic:

In the case of that dll, it is not enough just to change the platform. You have to make changes in the code too

For start : check the 3rd line of stdafx.h file. And so on ...

I have tried that too. I have blocked the 3rd line and changed the values of the targetver.h to:  

#pragma once

// Including SDKDDKVer.h defines the highest available Windows platform.

// If you wish to build your application for a previous Windows platform, include WinSDKVer.h and
// set the _WIN32_WINNT macro to the platform you wish to support before including SDKDDKVer.h.

#include <SDKDDKVer.h>

Still no effect on the error. please check the dependency walker on my system:  


Mladen Rakic:

In the case of that dll, it is not enough just to change the platform. You have to make changes in the code too

For start : check the 3rd line of stdafx.h file. And so on ...

Can you help me please?

This is random. Apply to chart it gives prediction, refresh indicator with the same settings - it gives different forecast, refresh again - again different. Random generator is the same

Hello all,

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Hello, When I run the indicator, the MetaTrader crashes and exits! Why?
Hello, When I run the indicator, the MetaTrader crashes and exits! Why?


I'm getting the same problem. 

Maybe the indicator is not compatible with the new versions of MT4.


When I run the indicator, MetaTrader exits. There may be a newer version of this indicator that does not have this problem.

Very nice! Oh and to the guy who commented about the results changing every time he refreshes ..."Of course it will!! The market doesn't just pause for you so that you can refresh your charts to the same market price every second you decide you want to refresh. Market price moves and for the predictor to adjust its calculations/algorithms and output an UPDATED prediction by considering the LATEST data it has available is pretty impressive AND NOT a questionable issue. (yes, even by a second to refresh means it's classified as 'the latest')