Indicators: Bollinger Bandwidth


Bollinger Bandwidth:

An investigation of the Bollinger band has shown that when the bandwidth (distance between the top and bottom bands) is below 4, the market is compressed and about to break out. When the bandwidth reaches 11, there is a strong wave for scalp trading. Be

Author: Larry


Hi there,

Great indicator!

Can you please add an alarm with pop up? For example when the indicactor reaches 0.8 or 1 - I want to be alerted immediatelly.

Thanx in advance



I realise this is old post but somewhat confused by the Indicator.  I just tried this (same as one I had written) but the range over the chart appears to be about 10 to 100 which sort of makes it not to good at indicating. 

If the Standard Deviation is 2 then I sort of expect 4 tp represent a break.

Any thought anyone?


hi guys , why this indicator do not indicate clear values? 

It is better to show values from 0 to 100 . also it could chaged the color of line when crosses above specific level value for instant 20 . 

Can anyone help me with this?

omid riazi #: hi guys , why this indicator do not indicate clear values? It is better to show values from 0 to 100 . also it could chaged the color of line when crosses above specific level value for instant 20 .  Can anyone help me with this?
Please learn the maths. The Bollinger bands is nothing more than a ratio of the Standard Deviation. It does not and can not range between 0 and 100.