Is it true that compiling via Command Line does not refresh the EA in Terminal?


Maybe I'm missing something, but I tried several times (changing working directories) used all parameters of Metaeditor in Command Line mode (except for /s) and there is no way to make Terminal64 recognize a new compiled code of its EA running.

Does someone have a clue how Metaeditor64 signals Terminal64?  Do they talk through TCP? Or Terminal64 polls the folder?

Any light will be wonderful!

Thanks in advance!



An update...  just in case others have the same problem...

I tried to "hear" what both Terminal and Metaeditor were doing behind the scenes using Process Monitor with no success.

Well, I decided to go the Wreck-It-Ralph-Way and I'm knocking down Terminal every time I recompile my code. It's not ideal but it is also not that bad. I have a decent DEV machine so I can live with that.

The only thing I don't get it is WHY on earth compiling via Comand Line does not signals Terminal to reload its EA/indicator as it is when you compile through Metaeditor. It is almost useless using the CLI.

Anyway, for those with the same pain, I use 2 Powershell lines to do that in my development process:

Get-Process -Name terminal64 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.Id -gt 0} | Stop-Process

#Do My Stuff...

& "C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 5\terminal64.exe"
Process Monitor - Windows Sysinternals
Process Monitor - Windows Sysinternals
  • 2017.12.09
  • markruss
Monitor file system, Registry, process, thread and DLL activity in real-time.
Minions Labs:

Maybe I'm missing something, but I tried several times (changing working directories) used all parameters of Metaeditor in Command Line mode (except for /s) and there is no way to make Terminal64 recognize a new compiled code of its EA running.

Right-click in the navigator, choose Refresh.

Anthony Garot:

Right-click in the navigator, choose Refresh.

Unfortunately the Refresh on the Graphic only reloads the graphical objects of the chart. No .ex5 are reloaded from disk.

And Refresh on Navigator has no effect at all.

But thanks!

Minions Labs:

And Refresh on Navigator has no effect at all.

I think something is amiss with your setup, then.

You could try:

1. Reinstall MetaTrader from scratch. This actually works sometimes. :-D

2. Write to the service desk.