Libraries: MySQL wrapper


MySQL wrapper:

Wrapper for reading and writing to MySQL

Author: Russell


please compile this lib for vista


Sorry i don't have vista. source code is available in the zip. please use MS visual studio C++ express (it's free) to recompile.


The folowing is a string that I am sending to my server but it is not interacting with the mysql database, the ea side is working fine...

string ToSend = "" + AccountNumber + "&auth=" + Date + "&file=EA" + "2.03" + "&name=" + John + "&mail=" + + "&code=" + Update;

I was wondering if someone could help with a short template of the Authorize.php and mysql table... not sure what I am doing wrong here.

Thanks in advance

Спасибо что выложили...! Хорошая штука.
Ы, только что-то она терминал валит ((

Hey there,

I cannot get this to work on Windows 7, I used Depend.exe to download and copy all required dll files to system32. Depend32 still find fault with the dll:

Error: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in an implicitly dependent module.
Error: Modules with different CPU types were found.
Warning: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in a delay-load dependent module.

I tried to recompile it in VS Express 2010, but I still get the same problems... Any advice?


Nice work, this is what we need! However is there a version that works on Win7?

I tried to recompile but it would not load the dll in mt4: "could not load library 'mysql_wrapper.dll' (error 193)"

Did anyone get this to work on Win7?

hi russell! very useful lib! thx
Нашел решение/solution found

Can the wrapper be used nowadays?

I've got some problems in setting it up...

As told in the install i moved the mqh file in order to be imported in the same folder and the dll to the library of the mql4 client.

When i try to add the EA to the chart i get the following message

2022.12.26 17:25:35.194 Cannot load 'C:\Users\prova\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\90EE0B955C830663792F78FA31F6785A\MQL4\Libraries\mysql_wrapper.dll' [126]

I tried to see if I was missing some dependency with dependency walker and it seems that libmysql.dll is missing as well as a lot of api-ms-core-*.dll and ext-ms-*.dll and api-ms-win-*.dll

What can I do to get those dependecies?