i need to display and update OPEN,HIGH,LOW,CLOSE AND LTP values in a chart - page 4

Vaithianathan Sreeram:

i know about paid job works.. i have done more than 37 job works,purchased 14 indicators,spent more than 800 usd so far only studies.

only because of bank restriction, i am unable to make paid job from april 2018

dont post unnecessary comments in here and in inbox.. i know what to do and what not to do

Please note that (according to my experience) - coders are coding for free

  • if it is interesting for many members of the forum (for majority of the users), or/and
  • if it is interesting for coders personally.

Yes, there are good examples when the coders made the EAs and indicators for free on the threads. But those threads were/are very popular once for many years with many pages, and the topic starter (the person who requested for free coding) made some testing, uploaded the charts, traded on demo to increase the interest to proposed system/indicator/EA.

But if it is related to two persons only (you and the coder) and if it is nothing to do with the majority of the forum users so sorry - it is for Freelance.

I know it because I am not a coder.

Vaithianathan Sreeram:

i want to see live prices of the script which is loaded in a chart along with OPEN,HIGH,LOW ,CLOSE for the day to be updated simultaneously

screenshot is enclosed.

Name of the script, time frame chosen, open ,high,low,close and LTP , along with server time, local time

string comment = StringFormat("* ServerTime : %s\n* LocalTime : %s\n* Open : %g\n* High : %g\n* Low : %g\n* Close : %g\n* Last Price : %g",TimeToString(TimeTradeServer(),TIME_MINUTES),TimeToString(TimeLocal(),TIME_MINUTES),iOpen(_Symbol,PERIOD_D1,0),iHigh(_Symbol,PERIOD_D1,0),iLow(_Symbol,PERIOD_D1,0),iClose(_Symbol,PERIOD_D1,0),SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_LAST)); 
Anthony Garot:

I see a lot of what you describe on this forum.

They don't want to pay. They don't want to search. They don't want to learn to do it themselves. Then they are indignant when you call them on their poor behavior.

Essentially, they want something for nothing.

There are far too many of these people.

Yes. But that's seems to be worst and worst...

Then there are a few people on this forum for whom I will go the extra mile because they are polite, actually try, and want to learn.

Marco vd Heijden:

people not understand... what i shared here

from april 2018, outside india transactions are not allowed.. so i am unable to upload paid job work.. i felt bad on it

but continuously without understanding what i am telling some people are shouting, posting unnecessary comments, and arguements, photos, are not like decent

also coming in inbox and sending indecent words, seemed to be something wrong in their mentality

hope they can go for refreshment and come back to here.


threatning and making wrong words are encouraged by the mql site ??

very bad to see the unnecessary comments.. hundreds of people posting their requirements.. but those guys act as smart and brilliance against me .?

really very bad experience for me

Vaithianathan Sreeram:

people not understand... what i shared here

from april 2018, outside india transactions are not allowed.. so i am unable to upload paid job work.. i felt bad on it

but continuously without understanding what i am telling some people are shouting, posting unnecessary comments, and arguements, photos, are not like decent

also coming in inbox and sending indecent words, seemed to be something wrong in their mentality

hope they can go for refreshment and come back to here.

The code was done by @Marco, why you are not happy?

i said my lot of thanks to him.. but after that i dont know , why he behaved like that.

he sent lot of messages to my inbox.. and posting some un appropriate pictures, spam messages etc..

i wonder why he did like this

he thought i never pay for anything... i told i have paid 800 usd so far only to coding.. but he didnt realize my statements.. very rare incident
Vaithianathan Sreeram:

i said my lot of thanks to him.. but after that i dont know , why he behaved like that.

he sent lot of messages to my inbox.. and posting some un appropriate pictures, spam messages etc..

i wonder why he did like this

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

i need to display and update OPEN,HIGH,LOW,CLOSE AND LTP values in a chart

Sergey Golubev, 2018.07.05 20:05

Please note that (according to my experience) - coders are coding for free

  • if it is interesting for many members of the forum (for majority of the users), or/and
  • if it is interesting for coders personally.

Yes, there are good examples when the coders made the EAs and indicators for free on the threads. But those threads were/are very popular once for many years with many pages, and the topic starter (the person who requested for free coding) made some testing, uploaded the charts, traded on demo to increase the interest to proposed system/indicator/EA.

But if it is related to two persons only (you and the coder) and if it is nothing to do with the majority of the forum users so sorry - it is for Freelance.

I know it because I am not a coder.

and I wonder why you made a title of your thread with "i need ..."
Do I need? 
Do we all need?

That is you need only.
And whole the forum (whole the forex world) are looking for your thread about what you need and about your situation and so on ...
is it not too much attention?


You might open the thread started with the words "very useful tool for everybody - need to be coded" ... but you started it with "i need ..."

This is the public forum for everybody, and all the people (at least - many of them) should need it ...

You did it with all of us to force the people to code for your for free, right?