How can I turn an int to a constant ?


I want to use differents Timframe into a swicht, but program ask for a constant

This do not work : constant expression required

int tf1 = 5;
int tf2 = 30;
int tf3 = 240;

calcul( tf2 );

double cacul( int tf )
   Switch( tf )
      case tfi :
      case tf2 : 
      case tf3 : 

Obviously you can't. Variables aren't constants.
int tf1 = 5;
int tf2 = 30;
int tf3 = 240;

calcul( tf2 );

double cacul( int tf ){
   if(     tf == tf1) ...
   else if(tf == tf2) ...
   else if(tf == tf3) ...
   else /* default */

I want to use differents Timframe into a swicht, but program ask for a constant

If tf1, tf2, tf3 don't change, you could do this:

#define tf1 5
#define tf2 30
#define tf3 240

double calcul( int tf )
   switch( tf )
      case tf1 :
      case tf2 : 
      case tf3 : 

void OnStart()
    calcul( tf2 );

There are reasons NOT to do this (see the third answer in stackoverflow post), but since "const int" doesn't work for MQL switch statements, I do admit sometimes doing this for switch() statements.

Why would someone use #define to define constants?
Why would someone use #define to define constants?
It's simple question but why would someone use #define to define constants?
Obviously you can't. Variables aren't constants.
Thank this is what I have done