Distance in bars from OBJ_VLINE

Hi. Please somebody help me. 

I need to know the distance in bars, from the actual bar [0], to a obj_vline, that exist in this chart window

I am using this code:

if( ObjectFind( "lineNum_of_Bars_4_LL_and_HH") == -1 )   // is there lineNum_of_Bars_4_LL_and_HH ?
                         // if not exist: Create it.  
ObjectCreate( "lineNum_of_Bars_4_LL_and_HH", OBJ_VLINE, 0,  TimeCurrent(), 0);
               {        // If exist: 
                        // Get the distance in bars, where "ineNum_of_Bars_4_LL_and_HH" is.

