Design map for newbie in mql4



I am trying to code a user defined function in which I would like to calculate the required lot size of the last martingale order in a cycle to achieve breakeven on certain price , upon reversal.

For example, Buy orders 0, 1,2, and 3 were already opened while the price going down. Now, I want to open Buy 4 order. I need to calculate its size to achieve BE on the red price

I do not need a code but a thinking map of how I can do it. Then, I will try myself and post here to see if it right or wrong. 

Your help is much appreciated


Hatem Abou Ouf: I need to calculate its size to achieve BE on the red price
BE (price) is lots weighted average price (Ei loti*pricei)/(Ei loti) Do the algebra.
Hatem Abou Ouf:


 a thinking map 

Well the closest to what i can think of is a flow chart here: - free flowchart maker and diagrams online - free flowchart maker and diagrams online
  • (formerly Diagramly) is free online diagram software. You can use it as a flowchart maker, network diagram software, to create UML online, as an ER diagram tool, to design database schema...
BE (price) is lots weighted average price (Ei loti*pricei)/(Ei loti) Do the algebra.

Thank you whroeder1

This is my first trial. If correct, I plan to make my function better by :

1- To make the same function work for both buy and sell cycle orders ( by passing the cycle order type), I think

2- To check better for errors from OrderSelect

This is my first serious week to start mql4 coding just because I like coding!. My plan is to deal with one coding concept per week. ( 15-20 min/daily).

input int BuyMagic = 1111;
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
  double BE_Price = 1.2345;
  double Current_BuyOrderLot = AveragePrice_OP_BUY_Orders(BE_Price);

// Calculate the Required lot                                                      |
double AveragePrice_OP_BUY_Orders(double BE_Price)
   double Lots   = 0.0;                                      // to calculate the sum of all lots except the current
   double OrderOPrice = 0.0;                                 // to calculate the OP of all open orders
   double LotsPrice = 0.0;                                   // 
   double OP_CurrentBuy = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID);    // Open price of the current buy order
   double Average = BE_Price;                         // pass it to the function
   double Required_Lot;
   for (int i = OrdersTotal() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
      OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
      if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderType() == OP_BUY && OrderMagicNumber() == BuyMagic)
         Lots = Lots + OrderLots();
         LotsPrice = LotsPrice + OrderLots()*OrderOpenPrice();

         Print("Lots : ", OrderLots(), "   OrderOpenPrice : ", OrderOpenPrice());
   Required_Lot = NormalizeDouble (LotsPrice - (Average *Lots)/ (Average - OP_CurrentBuy),Digits) ; // Old Old Old Algebra rusty mind :)



Oh, I forget to account for the cost of transactions ( Commission and swap). I will try to include that. If you have a clue for me, please do not not hesitate to mention. 
Marco vd Heijden:

Well the closest to what i can think of is a flow chart here:

Very interesting tool. Thanks for sharing

Hatem Abou Ouf: This is my first trial. If correct, I plan to make my function better by :
Required_Lot = NormalizeDouble (LotsPrice - (Average *Lots)/ (Average - OP_CurrentBuy),Digits);

Close but not quite.

  1. Misplaced parenthesis
    BE = (Σ(lot*price) + newLot newPrice) / (Σ(lot) + newLot)
    BE (Σ(lot) + newLot)= (Σ(lot*price) + newLot newPrice)
    BE (Σ(lot) + newLot) - newLot newPrice = Σ(lot*price)
    BE newLot - newLot newPrice = Σ(lot*price) - BE Σ(lot)
    newLot (BE - newPrice) = Σ(lot*price) - BE Σ(lot)
    newLot = {Σ(lot*price) - BE Σ(lot)} / (BE - newPrice)
    Required_Lot = {LotsPrice  - Average lots} / (Average - OP_CurrentBuy)

  2. Do NOT use NormalizeDouble, EVER. For ANY Reason. It's a kludge, don't use it. It's use is usually wrong, as it is in this case.