Indicator freezes on start of new bar


So I have built my own custom currency strength meter. Here is an extract from the code

//--- input parameters
input int      Delta=8;
extern ENUM_BASE_CORNER Corner=3;  // Panel side

//--- global variables

//--- indicator buffers
double         EURBuffer[];
double         GBPBuffer[];
double         AUDBuffer[];
double         NZDBuffer[];
double         USDBuffer[];
double         CADBuffer[];
double         CHFBuffer[];
double         JPYBuffer[];
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- set chart properties

//--- indicator buffers mapping


//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()


//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
   int start_index=prev_calculated; 
   if(prev_calculated>0)  start_index--; 
   for(int i=start_index;i<rates_total;i++) 
      double egopen  = iOpen("EURGBP",0,i+Delta-1);
      double egclose = iClose("EURGBP",0,i);
      double eghigh  = iHigh("EURGBP",0,(iHighest("EURGBP",0,MODE_HIGH,Delta,i)));
      double eglow   = iLow("EURGBP",0,(iLowest("EURGBP",0,MODE_LOW,Delta,i)));
      double egbody  = MathAbs(egclose-egopen);
      double egwick  = MathAbs(eghigh-eglow);
      double eg      = 50;
      if(egbody>=Point()*10  && egwick>=Point()*20)
         if(egclose>egopen) eg = 50+((egbody*100/egwick)/2);
         else eg = 50-((egbody*100/egwick)/2);
//--- code repeats for each of the 28 main pairs
//--- code repeats for each of the 28 main pairs
//--- code repeats for each of the 28 main pairs      

      EURBuffer[i] = (eg+ea+en+eu+ec+eh+ej)/7;
      GBPBuffer[i] = ((100-eg)+ga+gn+gu+gc+gh+gj)/7;
      AUDBuffer[i] = ((100-ea)+(100-ga)+an+au+ac+ah+aj)/7;
      NZDBuffer[i] = ((100-en)+(100-gn)+(100-an)+nu+nc+nh+nj)/7;
      USDBuffer[i] = ((100-eu)+(100-gu)+(100-au)+(100-nu)+uc+uh+uj)/7;
      CADBuffer[i] = ((100-ec)+(100-gc)+(100-ac)+(100-ac)+(100-uc)+uh+uj)/7;
      CHFBuffer[i] = ((100-eh)+(100-gh)+(100-ah)+(100-ah)+(100-uh)+(100-ch)+cj)/7;
      JPYBuffer[i] = ((100-ej)+(100-gj)+(100-aj)+(100-aj)+(100-uj)+(100-cj)+(100-hj))/7;


//|  Update Bar Graph                                                |
void UpdateBarGraph()




      objectSetGraph("label_005_",USDBuffer[0],C'64, 64, 64',C'61, 67, 61',C'57, 70, 57',C'54, 73, 54',C'51, 77, 51',C'48, 80, 48',C'45, 83, 45',C'41, 86, 41',C'38, 89, 38',C'35, 92, 35',C'32, 96, 32',C'29, 99, 29',C'25, 102, 25',C'22, 105, 22',C'19, 108, 19',C'19, 108, 19',C'13, 115, 13',C'10, 118, 10',C'6, 121, 6',C'3, 124, 3',C'0, 128, 0');

      objectSetGraph("label_006_",CADBuffer[0],C'128, 128, 128',C'121, 131, 134',C'115, 134, 140',C'108, 137, 147',C'102, 140, 153',C'96, 143, 159',C'89, 147, 166',C'83, 150, 172',C'77, 153, 179',C'70, 156, 185',C'64, 159, 191',C'57, 163, 198',C'51, 166, 204',C'45, 169, 210',C'38, 172, 217',C'32, 175, 223',C'25, 179, 230',C'19, 182, 236',C'13, 185, 242',C'6, 188, 249',C'0, 191, 255');

      objectSetGraph("label_007_",CHFBuffer[0],C'128, 128, 128',C'121, 121, 134',C'115, 115, 140',C'108, 108, 147',C'102, 102, 153',C'96, 96, 159',C'89, 89, 166',C'83, 83, 172',C'77, 77, 179',C'70, 70, 185',C'64, 64, 191',C'57, 57, 198',C'51, 51, 204',C'45, 45, 210',C'38, 38, 217',C'32, 32, 223',C'25, 25, 230',C'19, 19, 236',C'13, 13, 242',C'6, 6, 249',C'0, 0, 255');

      objectSetGraph("label_008_",JPYBuffer[0],C'128, 128, 128',C'134, 121, 134',C'140, 115, 140',C'147, 108, 147',C'153, 102, 153',C'159, 96, 159',C'166, 89, 166',C'172, 83, 172',C'179, 77, 179',C'185, 70, 185',C'191, 64, 191',C'198, 57, 198',C'204, 51, 204',C'210, 45, 210',C'217, 38, 217',C'223, 32, 223',C'230, 25, 230',C'236, 19, 236',C'242, 13, 242',C'249, 6, 249',C'255, 0, 255');

Looks like this when first applied to a chart

however as soon as a new bar is formed the indicator freezes leaving me with this

Can you help the worlds dumbest programmer. Thanks in advance

P.S I am happy to attach the full code if needed. It is just however the graphics component of the indicator.

Robert Browne:

however as soon as a new bar is formed the indicator freezes leaving me with this

Any error message(s) in the Experts tab?
Anthony Garot:
Any error message(s) in the Experts tab?

None whatsoever

Robert Browne:

None whatsoever

Well, I don't see anything immediately obvious that would cause it to freeze without an error message.

Double check that objectSetBlank() and objectSetGraph() aren't creating new objects every time. MT5 really starts to bog down on me when I have a few hundred thousands graphical objects on a chart.

Also . . . try moving the call to UpdateBarGraph() out of OnCalculate(). Updating every second in OnTimer() might be enough to be useful, and maybe that's where the freeze happens.

Anthony Garot:

Updating every second in OnTimer() might be enough to be useful, and maybe that's where the freeze happens.

Will do that as it's what I do on other version.

But to me, it doesn't explain why I no longer get the buffer values??? 


Is this an mq5 file?

MT4 cannot calculate with this method.

int start_index=prev_calculated; 
   if(prev_calculated>0)  start_index--; 
   for(int i=start_index;i<rates_total;i++) 
Naguisa Unada:

Is this an mq5 file?

MT4 cannot calculate with this method.

It is mq4

int limit;

if (prev_calculated == 0)
   limit = rates_total - Delta;
   limit = rates_total - prev_calculated + 1;

for (int i = limit; i >= 0; i--)

How about is this?

Naguisa Unada:

How about is this?

I'll give it a whirl. Thanks for the suggestion. Will get back and let you know how it goes

The loop cannot terminate by itself, I guess

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Indicator freezes on start of new bar

Naguisa Unada, 2018.06.07 02:04

int limit;

if (prev_calculated == 0)
   limit = rates_total - Delta;
   limit = rates_total - prev_calculated + 1;

for (int i = limit; i >= 0; i--)

How about is this?

So I tried the code and it didn't work. But it got me thinking and I did this instead

int limit;

if (prev_calculated == 0)
   limit = rates_total - Delta;
   limit = rates_total - prev_calculated + 1;

for(int i=0; i<limit; i++)

And for now it appears problem solved. 

Which then leads to the next question. Why does it now work? Whats the logic the program is now applying that means one code doesn't work yet the smallest of variations and then it does.