Open Files during backtest - page 2


Thank you but i did this and it is was working. Now restarting or next day and it works. Whats going on.

I confirm.

After wasting several hours in testing without success, the only thing that solve and made it starting working fine was a platform restart.

Fabio Cavalloni #:

I confirm.

After wasting several hours in testing without success, the only thing that solve and made it starting working fine was a platform restart.

Same .

How to use tester_file directive 

Add your file relative to \\Files folder path like this :

#property tester_file "config.bin";

in your calls , use the commands normally as this file will be moved (on single test , will test optimization soon [edit works in optimizations too]) to the agent that is running MQL5\\Files... folder

Hit compile.

Close the editor

Close MT5

Open Mt5 

Anything else will just make you mad at mq for the non-existent documentation and them just throwing it around in the help responses lightly like its a set and run command.

(it's obvious they have never ever used it)

It seems hard to believe and you'll think you need to add "::" like in resources or that the file path is too long , nope , just restart mt5

Lorentzos Roussos #:

Same .

How to use tester_file directive 

Add your file relative to \\Files folder path like this :

in your calls , use the commands normally as this file will be moved (on single test , will test optimization soon [edit works in optimizations too]) to the agent that is running MQL5\\Files... folder

Hit compile.

Close the editor

Close MT5

Open Mt5 

Anything else will just make you mad at mq for the non-existent documentation and them just throwing it around in the help responses lightly like its a set and run command.

(it's obvious they have never ever used it)

It seems hard to believe and you'll think you need to add "::" like in resources or that the file path is too long , nope , just restart mt5

Thank you for saving my day!!
I had the same problem and solved it with common folder. Mine was 25 files and not practical to create directive for each.