Experts: Simple FX - page 3


I appreciate the take profit code and performane but can u please give code to that will make the EA disable after taking profit and enable after the next moving average crossing over


hi Glenn,

how are u today?

can u tell me what happens when the price hits the take profit or stop loss price and there is no cross over of the moving average periods yet.if it hits the stop loss or take profit will it still continue to place trade immediately?thanks.


Is it possible to speak with you via email? Please let me know. You may contact me at

I have something that I have developed and would like to discuss with you.

Best Regards,
Absolute Strength_v1

Is it possible to speak with you via email? Please let me know. You may contact me at

I have something that I have developed and would like to discuss with you.
Best Regards,

I can be reached from

Best regards,

Glenn Bacon

There are mistakes in the stoploss, I modified it and also add trailingstop function.
I think the values of stoploss and stopprofit and trailingstop should be optimized. Do anyone have ideas about this?
Here is the code:
//|                                                     simplefx2.mq4 |
//|                             Copyright ?? 2007, GLENNBACON.COM LLC |
//|                         |
   Simple FX source code, expert advisor and user manual are property of
   GLENNBACON.COM LLC and may not be altered, used or sold in commercial
   products. The Simple FX source code itself may be altered and used in personal
   projects as long as the name GLENNBACON.COM LLC and URL are left entacted and visible.
   Programmer: Glenn Bacon
   Note: Every programmer has their own style and format of writing code. I try
   to make the code as readable as possible by using indenting and tab nested code.
   There are comments throughout the source explaining what each block/line of code does.
   I always use brackets {} to contain my if else and for conditional statements. Some
   programmers use shortcuts I do not. I think more programmers should always use
   brackets because it makes the code more readable. (bored reading this yet?)
   I also only create and use a couple of my own functions because if you create dozens of functions it
   makes the code more difficult to read.
   If you're not a programmer and have questions about the code do not email me about
   the code or what it does. If you are a programmer and have questions about this
   code I can be contacted by going to and navigate to our
   Customer Service page, it has a contact form. 
#property copyright "Copyright ?? 2007, GLENNBACON.COM LLC"
#property link      ""
// Shift of moving average
#define Shift 1
// Trend Detection function
#define BULL 111111
#define BEAR 222222
// Input variables
extern string  comment2          = "*** Order Options ***";
extern double  Lots              = 0.10;
extern int     Stop_Loss         = 21;
extern int     Take_Profit       = 987;
extern int     TrailingStop      = 10;
extern int     Slippage          = 5;
extern string  Order_Comment     = "Simple FX";
extern int     Magic             = 112607;
extern color   Order_Arrow_Color = Green;
extern string  comment3          = "*** Moving Average Options ***";
extern int     Long_MA_Period    = 200;
extern int     Long_MA_Method    = 0;
extern int     Long_MA_Applied_Price = 4;
extern int     Short_MA_Period   = 50;
extern int     Short_MA_Method    = 0;
extern int     Short_MA_Applied_Price = 4;
// Global variables
int Total_Open_Orders = 1; // we only want to open one order at a time and only manage the one order
int cnt = 0;               // counter variable, used in for() loops
bool init_variables;       // init variable when program starts
datetime PreviousBar;      // record the candle/bar time
int init()
   init_variables = true;  // Allows us to init variables in the start function because
                           // we cannot do this in the init function because the variables
                           // use values from the chart
int deinit()
   // clear chart when EA is removed
int start()
   // moving average only run expert advisor if there is enough candle/bars in history
   if(Bars < Long_MA_Period+1)
         Comment("Long moving average does not have enough Bars in history to open a trade!\n",
               "Must be at least ",Long_MA_Period, " bars to perform technical analysis.");
         Comment("Back testing currently Long moving average does not have enough Bars to open a trade.\n",
               "Must be at least ",Long_MA_Period, " bars to perform technical analysis.\n",
               "Please be patient and wait...\n",
               "Bars in history ",Bars);
   // make sure trader has set Lots to at least the minimum lot size of the broker and
   // we will normalize the Lots variable so we can properly open an order
   if(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT) == 0.01)
      Lots = NormalizeDouble(Lots,2);
      if(Lots < 0.01)
         Comment("The variable Lots must be 0.01 or greater to open an order. ");
   if(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT) == 0.1)
      Lots = NormalizeDouble(Lots,1);
      if(Lots < 0.1)
         Comment("The variable Lots must be 0.1 or greater to open an order. ");
   if(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT) == 1)
      Lots = NormalizeDouble(Lots,0);
      if(Lots < 1)
         Comment("The variable Lots must be 1 or greater to open an order. ");
   // init variables when the expert advisor first starts running
   if(init_variables == true)
      PreviousBar = Time[0];     // record the current canle/bar open time
      // place code here that you only wnat to run one time
      init_variables = false;    // change to false so we only init variable once
   // perform analysis and open orders on new candle/bar
   if(NewBar() == true)
      // only perform analysis and close order if we only have one order open
      if(TotalOpenOrders() == Total_Open_Orders && SelectTheOrder() == true)
         if(OrderType() == OP_BUY && TrendDetection() == BEAR)
         if(OrderType() == OP_SELL && TrendDetection() == BULL)
          if(OrderType() == OP_BUY && TrendDetection() != BEAR)
             // check for trailing stop
                if(TrailingStop > 0) 
                    if(Bid - OrderOpenPrice() > Point*(TrailingStop+0.5))
                        if(OrderStopLoss() < Bid - Point*(TrailingStop+0.5))
                            OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(),
                                        Bid - (Point*TrailingStop),
                                        OrderTakeProfit(), 0, Green);
         if(OrderType() == OP_SELL && TrendDetection() != BULL)
                    // check for trailing stop
                if(TrailingStop > 0) 
                    if((OrderOpenPrice() - Ask) > (Point*(TrailingStop+0.5)))
                        if((OrderStopLoss() > (Ask + Point*(TrailingStop+0.5))) ||
                           (OrderStopLoss() == 0))
                            OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(),
                                        Ask + (Point*TrailingStop),
                                        OrderTakeProfit(), 0, Red);
      // only perform analysis and open new order if we have not reached our Total_Open_Orders max
      if(TotalOpenOrders() < Total_Open_Orders)
         // open buy
         if(TrendDetection() == BULL)
            // open order
         // open sell
         if(TrendDetection() == BEAR)
            // open order
      // when back testing only display chart info every candle/bar so we do not slow down back tests
      if(IsTesting() == true)
   // when not back testing display chart info every tick
   if(IsTesting() == false)
// Common functions                                                   //
// This function returns the total amount of orders the expert advisor has open 
int TotalOpenOrders()
   int TotalOpenOrders = 0;
// This function finds the open order and selects it
int SelectTheOrder()
// This function return the value true if the current bar/candle was just formed
bool NewBar()
      PreviousBar = Time[0];
   return(false);    // in case if - else statement is not executed
// is trend up/bullish or is it down/bearish
int TrendDetection()
   // BULL trend
   if(iMA(NULL,0,Short_MA_Period,0,Short_MA_Method,Short_MA_Applied_Price,0) > iMA(NULL,0,Long_MA_Period,0,Long_MA_Method,Long_MA_Applied_Price,0) && iMA(NULL,0,Short_MA_Period,0,Short_MA_Method,Short_MA_Applied_Price,1) > iMA(NULL,0,Long_MA_Period,0,Long_MA_Method,Long_MA_Applied_Price,1))
   // BEAR trend
   if(iMA(NULL,0,Short_MA_Period,0,Short_MA_Method,Short_MA_Applied_Price,0) < iMA(NULL,0,Long_MA_Period,0,Long_MA_Method,Long_MA_Applied_Price,0) && iMA(NULL,0,Short_MA_Period,0,Short_MA_Method,Short_MA_Applied_Price,1) < iMA(NULL,0,Long_MA_Period,0,Long_MA_Method,Long_MA_Applied_Price,1))
   // flat no trend return 0
void Display_Info()
   Comment("Simple FX ver 1.0\n",
            "Copyright ?? 2007,, LLC\n",
            "Forex Account Server:",AccountServer(),"\n",
            "Account Balance:  $",AccountBalance(),"\n",
            "Lots:  ",Lots,"\n",
            "Symbol: ", Symbol(),"\n",
            "Price:  ",NormalizeDouble(Bid,4),"\n",
            "Pip Spread:  ",MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_SPREAD),"\n",
            "Date: ",Month(),"-",Day(),"-",Year()," Server Time: ",Hour(),":",Minute(),":",Seconds(),"\n",
            "Minimum Lot Size: ",MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT));
There are mistakes in the stoploss, I modified it and also add trailingstop function.
I think the values of stoploss and stopprofit and trailingstop should be optimized. Do anyone have ideas about this?

Thank you for providing a bug fix for the code but, I have already fixed the bug in the code and submitted an update last week. Metaquotes has not reviewed the update or published the new code yet. If you would like to download the updated version Click Here and to view the manual click here.

Updates include:
  • Added optional s/l and t/p
  • Bug fix in s/l and t/p code
  • Now waits for first MA cross, previous version opened order in the direction of trend and didn't wait for first MA cross
  • If s/l or t/p is used and order reaches s/l or t/p it will wait for the next MA cross
  • Important variables are automatically saved to a file

The s/l and t/p update give the user flexibility to:
  • set no s/l or t/p, leave both values set to zero
  • set both s/l and t/p
  • set only the t/p, leave s/l value set to zero
  • have only s/l, leave t/p value set to zero

Best regards,
Glenn Bacon

i applied the ea on a hourly chart using 5/12 moving average ,though it opened orders well ,but when there was a new crossover ,it refused to close the opened order and open a new one ,pls what was responsible for this.thanks.

The expert advisor will only have one order open at a time. Simple FX checks for a MA cross at the open of every new candle (not every tick), if there has been a cross it will close the open order and open a new order in the trend direction.


i use this EA with mt4 demo and i attach with eurusa daily chart but not trad start i dont no why i am new i this filld plz tell me what i do thx



i use this EA with mt4 demo and i attach with eurusa daily chart but not trad start i dont no why i am new i this filld plz tell me what i do thx

It can take a long time for the EA to open its first trade. Try attaching the two moving averages to the chart and you will see that the trend for the EURUSD is bullish. When will it enter its first order? After the short moving average crosses the long moving average which will signal a bearish move then the EA will open a sell order. There is no telling how long this could take because no one can predict when the EUR will change direction but, when it does Simple FX should open a position and follow the new trend.