"return value of 'OrderSend' should be checked"



I would like to ask for help, the compiler is screaming at me : "return value of 'OrderSend' should be checked"

      request.volume=ShortTradeVolume + currentVolume;
      request.price=SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_BID); /// cenu musím určit podle close usečky ???

Could you pleas write a simple line to check it?? Should I check all the variables in result?? or is Print() function sufficient??

I have no idea how to check it.........



I would like to ask for help, the compiler is screaming at me : "return value of 'OrderSend' should be checked"

Could you pleas write a simple line to check it?? Should I check all the variables in result?? or is Print() function sufficient??

I have no idea how to check it.........

Please take a look at this post. I think it may help you.


I would like to ask for help, the compiler is screaming at me : "return value of 'OrderSend' should be checked"

Could you pleas write a simple line to check it?? Should I check all the variables in result?? or is Print() function sufficient??

I have no idea how to check it.........

bool enviaOrden(MqlTradeRequest &solicitud, MqlTradeResult &resultado, MqlTradeCheckResult &comprueba, int desliza= 3, bool informa= true, bool modoAsincr= false)
   bool exito= false;
   string simb= solicitud.symbol;
   int nDig= digitosSimb(simb), reintento= 5;
   exito= OrderCheck(solicitud, comprueba);
      exito= false;
      while(!exito && reintento>0)
         if (!modoAsincr)  exito= OrderSend(solicitud, resultado);
         else              exito= OrderSendAsync(solicitud, resultado);
         solicitud.deviation= solicitud.deviation+desliza;
         if(exito && resultado.retcode==TRADE_RETCODE_DONE_PARTIAL)
            reintento= 5;
            exito= false;
            solicitud.volume= solicitud.volume-resultado.volume;
            solicitud.deviation= 3;
         infoRetCode(resultado.retcode, __FUNCTION__+": "+resultado.comment, informa);
      infoRetCode(comprueba.retcode, __FUNCTION__+": "+": "+comprueba.comment, informa);
      infoError(_LastError, __FUNCTION__, informa);

Hi Jose, good code, however checking all else {  } states, if you are using OrderSendAsync(), don't you have to test TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED return too?

Anyway, this is a good case to explain what I mean as test all if { } else { } conditions in general or for any function, like OrderSend and/or OrderSendAsync for instance.