Can a Student become a forex trader

I am now studying at a University of London.Mainly I am from Bangladesh.I have knowledge of forex trading.Can I do forex trading instead of any part-time job?
I am now studying at a University of London.Mainly I am from Bangladesh.I have knowledge of forex trading.Can I do forex trading instead of any part-time job?

I would not advice you to do that, rather have both a part-time job and trade forex at your own time. I am a soldier full-time, but when I come from work I am my own boss and I log on to trade for 4 hours and sleep.

I am now studying at a University of London.Mainly I am from Bangladesh.I have knowledge of forex trading.Can I do forex trading instead of any part-time job?

I can't see why not, if you are any good at it.

Who are we to advice against it?

Just, proceed carefully and have in mind that in forex, like in any other form of investment, you can easily lose your money.

Mosimanegape Motseolapile:

I would not advise you to do that, rather have both a part-time job and trade forex at your own time. I am a soldier full-time, but when I come from work I am my own boss and I log on to trade for 4 hours and sleep.

But my part-time job doesn't fulfill my expenses.In the part-time job, I can't earn much, by which I need to pay my room rent cost, food expense, travel cost etc.I have experience in forex trading & also in binary trading.But I don't want to do binary trading.
Can you please give me one information?Is there any tax pay for the forex trader in the UK?I mean if I earn by forex trading, then should I need to pay income-tax?
Eleni Anna Branou:

I can't see why not, if you are any good at it.

Who are we to advice against it?

Just, proceed carefully and have in mind that in forex, like in any other form of investment, you can easily loose your money.

Can you please give me one information?Is there any tax pay for the forex trader in UK?I mean if i earn by forex trading,then should i need to pay income-tax?
Can you please give me one information?Is there any tax pay for the forex trader in UK?I mean if i earn by forex trading,then should i need to pay income-tax?

First worry about making that profit and then if and how you will get taxed for it.

As far as I know there is a capital tax in the UK for such profits but maybe someone else knows better.

But my part-time job doesn't fulfill my expenses.In the part-time job, I can't earn much, by which I need to pay my room rent cost, food expense, travel cost etc.I have experience in forex trading & also in binary trading.But I don't want to do binary trading.
Can you please give me one information?Is there any tax pay for the forex trader in the UK?I mean if I earn by forex trading, then should I need to pay income-tax?

Keep in mind that contrary to a conventional job, trading is subject to gain & loss, as a student I strongly recommend you to keep 1 part time job, or 2 part time job with a fixed income, especially if it's to pay your rent in a city like London where climate is crappy so much that even a dog wouldn't want to spend the night outside.