Something Interesting in Financial Video May 2014 - page 5


The Three Drives Pattern - Harmonic Ratios and Explanation

The charts were made by using free HWAFM tool for Metatrader 5


The AB=CD Pattern - Harmonic Ratios and Explanation

Alternative AB=CD Pattern


The Crab Pattern - Harmonic Ratios and Explanation :

The Deep Crab Pattern - Harmonic Ratios and Explanation :

The charts were made by using free HWAFM tool for Metatrader 5


Trading Video: EURUSD Near 200-Day Moving Average Break

  • The risk appetite run continues but benchmarks like the S&P 500 show it is hollowed of conviction
  • Whether a next step in risk or correction, there are opportunities among EURUSD, AUDUSD and NZDUSD
  • Congestion setups and pairs with an aligned bias like EURUSD present the more appropriate setups

The S&P 500 is within reach of a record high, and yet market sentiment lacks all of the bullish conviction that would normally accompany such an accomplishment. Volume joined volatility and collapsed as the symbolic benchmarks mark their progress. Between a lack of conviction in the prevailing trend and a refusal to ignite a cleansing fire of risk aversion, trading conditions are distinctly shaped. Shorter-term congestion and range trades are the higher probability setups under these conditions. Pairs like AUDUSD and NZDUSD exploit this short-term approach. Meanwhile there are pairs that carry unique fundamental and technical biases that can project through medium-term boundaries like EURUSD at its 200-day moving average and and the Yen crosses in varying stages of reversal. We look at the trading landscape in today's Trading Video.

S&P 500 – News, Charts & Analysis
S&P 500 – News, Charts & Analysis
S&P 500 (^SPX) - short for Standard and Poor's 500, is a United States stock market index based on the market capitalizations of the top 500 companies that have common stock listed on the New York Stock Exchange or NASDAQ. With its headquarters in New York City and dating back to 1860, Standard and Poor's has offices in 23 countries and...

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2014.05.24 16:34

Silver forecast for the week of May 26, 2014, Technical Analysis

The silver markets tried to rally during the course of the week, but as you can see basically ended up unchanged. The market is sitting just above the $19 handle, and we do think that it is somewhat of a “floor” in this market. However, it doesn’t look like it’s ready to continue going higher from here, so until we get a weekly close above the $20 level, we really are doing anything at this point in time. A move below the recent lows could have us selling, aiming for the $15 level.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2014.05.24 16:40

Crude Oil forecast for the week of May 26, 2014, Technical Analysis

The light sweet crude markets rose during the course of the week, closing and at the very highs as we closed on Friday above the $104 level. That being the case, we feel that this market should certainly continue going higher, and as a result $105 level will be the next resistance area that we will have to struggle with. A move above there sends the market going much higher, and as a result we do ultimately believe that the $110 level will be tested.

The market could very well pullback in the near-term though, and we simply look at that as value. The market most certainly has a taut of support below current levels, and as a result we feel that pullbacks will bring in more and more buyers, not to mention short covering as it will give some relief to those traders that are on the other side of this move.

The Brent market as you can see went back and forth during the course of the week, proving the $109 level to be supportive enough to pop the market higher. We when as high as $111 at one point in time, and recognize that we are somewhat range bound. However, we feel that the market will ultimately breakout above the $111 level, and head towards the $115 level. Oil markets in general are very bullish right now, and with everything that’s going on in the Crimea, it’s hard to believe that there is suddenly going to be a headline that’s going to push oil prices back down.

Any pullback at this point time should bring in value seekers, and we are counting on that to happen. There is a ton of support all the way down to the hundred $5 level, and quite frankly probably even lower than that. The market is most certainly bullish, and as a result we will continue to buy on dips, with absolutely no interest in selling what looks to be a very strong uptrend at this point.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2014.05.24 16:42

Natural Gas forecast for the week of May 26, 2014, Technical Analysis

The natural gas markets tried to rally during the course of the week, but found the $4.60 level to be far too resistive to continue going higher. With that, the market formed a shooting star, which of course is very negative. The $4.20 level below offers a significant amount of support, and as a result feel that this market should offer buying opportunities below and as a result we aren’t comfortable shorting into we get well below the $4.20 level, which at that point time could open the door way to the $3.60 level given enough time.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2014.05.24 16:46

Gold forecast for the week of May 26, 2014, Technical Analysis

Gold markets did very little during the course of the week as we continue to meander just below the $1300 level. That being the case, the market looks as if it is ready to go absolutely nowhere. We have been consolidating over the longer term between $1200 and $1400, so we are essentially a “fair value.” With that being the case, we really don’t have much in the way of an opinion at the moment, but if we go higher from here, we have to admit that this could be a basing pattern, and as a result could be a “higher low.”

Ultimately, we feel that a move above the $1400 level since this market much higher, and extends the move to the $1600 level without too many issues we believe. With that being the case, we feel that the market is probably one that we should be watching, waiting for some impulsive candle to show the true direction of the market. With that being the case, we are being patient and on the sidelines, but recognize that ultimately the market should offer buying opportunities sooner or later. My frankly, we feel that there is potential for a longer-term move to the upside, but recognize that you’re probably going to be better off in a very low leverage position, or even possibly physical gold if nothing else.

With that being the case, we feel that selling is almost impossible unless of course we get below the $1200 level. If we get below the $1200 level, we feel that this market could unwind long positions down to the $1000 handle. That being the case, we feel that there is a significant move coming, but there is also the possibility that the markets make an extraordinarily quite over the summer as we are starting to suggest in several other markets, so at the end of the day we are going to have to be patient with this lack of volatility. Ultimately though, no market sits still forever, and as a result we will get our trade.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2014.05.24 16:52

USD/JPY forecast for the week of May 26, 2014, Technical Analysis

The USD/JPY pair fell during the bulk of the week, testing the 101 level. That being the case, we bounced enough to form a hammer, which of course looks very bullish. At the end of the day though, we think that the market is probably stuck between the 101 and the 103 levels, meaning that we may very well find this area to be a bit of a “summer range.” Nonetheless, we have no interest in selling this pair, and do believe ultimately that we will reach the 105 level given enough time.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2014.05.24 16:54

USD/CAD forecast for the week of May 26, 2014, Technical Analysis

The USD/CAD pair rose during the course of the week, but as you can see found enough resistance to turn things back around and form a shooting star. That being the case, the market looks like it’s trying to break down a little bit here, but we need to get below the 1.08 handle in order to take it seriously. We could see the 1.06 handle if that happens, and as a result would be sellers. On the other hand, if we get back above the 1.10 handle, that would be extraordinarily bullish. At that point time, we would expect to see 1.12 or so.