Is there a solution to get angle value on OBJ_TRENDBYANGLE by code? - page 2

Chris Mukengeshayi:

Um! I have always thought what was the use of than angle object find int the MT platform?

I always ask where do people use such tool within the MT platform?

If its useless why did Meta Quote has include among analytical tools?

It's not useless, but you have to know the weaknesses and how to work with them.

Alain Verleyen:

It's not useless, but you have to know the weaknesses and how to work with them.

Do you know how to use it ?

Chris Mukengeshayi:

Do you know how to use it ?

Of course not
Alain Verleyen:
Of course not

 maybe @Yohana Parmi will explain to us, on how to make use of that angle tool object during technical analysis.

You can use it to "square" the chart for Gann angles. If you insist that 1x1 angle should be 90 deg.