Do I need to pay taxes for freelance ?

Hello, I would like to know if some developers are paying taxes in their country (I'm in France), or when you make money with EA trading do you need to declare it ??

Those are two different things.

For the freelance you usually have a threshold for example $6000 everything above that is taxed, but it differs from country to country so check it.

The other one EA trading well this is taxed differently because it is not profit out of a job.

So it's usually different rates, much less then the tax on income from a job.

But that also differs so you also have to look that up.

There are some tax free nations as well and so you can also look those up.

In case you get very successful you might want to move to one of those .

Marco vd Heijden:

Those are two different things.

For the freelance you usually have a threshold for example $6000 everything above that is taxed, but it differs from country to country so check it.

The other one EA trading well this is taxed differently because it is not profit out of a job.

So it's usually different rates, much less then the tax on income from a job.

But that also differs so you also have to look that up.

There are some tax free nations as well and so you can also look those up.

In case you get very successful you might want to move to one of those .

So if I make only 1500$ per year in freelance I don't need to pay taxes ?

It depends if you have another job and you make $20k with that then it needs to be added to that so it depends on the situation.

This info should be readily available if you look for it.