Please Do Not Delete This Post, Unless You Message Me.


Dear Admin,

If this post is in the wrong section, then please move. When a trader offers his / her services, you state it takes up to 10 business days to be approved, well sadly I have not found this to be the case.

I fully understand you must have to attend to many people requests, but then why not state 20 odd days or more?

I am sure there are many traders whom are waiting, and what would be a good idea, if there is a problem, then let the provider know. This is my own personal option, but I am fairly sure I am not alone in this endeavour?

Any reply / advise off a "Mod" or "Admin" would be great.

Many thanks and all the best.

Stephen Smith

Stephen Smith:

Dear Admin,

If this post is in the wrong section, then please move. When a trader offers his / her services, you state it takes up to 10 business days to be approved, well sadly I have not found this to be the case.

I fully understand you must have to attend to many people requests, but then why not state 20 odd days or more?

I am sure there are many traders whom are waiting, and what would be a good idea, if there is a problem, then let the provider know. This is my own personal option, but I am fairly sure I am not alone in this endeavour?

Any reply / advise off a "Mod" or "Admin" would be great.

Many thanks and all the best.

Stephen Smith

This is a case for seller approval department and you contact them only through Service Desk.

You didn't say how many days have you been waiting so far?

Sometimes it takes just 3-4 days to be approved, but in other periods takes longer.

Eleni Anna Branou:

This is a case for seller approval department and you contact them only through Service Desk.

You didn't say how many days have you been waiting so far?

Sometimes it takes just 3-4 days to be approved, but in other periods takes longer.

Eleni Anna Branou:

Hello Eleni, actually it has been over 20 days now and I sort of stated that in my post, but looking back, not clearly enough, sorry.

I have contacted "Service Desk" now and of course will wait upon their reply, but I do feel this has take longer than required really Eleni. 

Many thanks for your assistance and answering so fast, so well done upon that.

Stephen Smith.

Stephen Smith:

Eleni Anna Branou:

Hello Eleni, actually it has been over 20 days now and I sort of stated that in my post, but looking back, not clearly enough, sorry.

I have contacted "Service Desk" now and of course will wait upon their reply, but I do feel this has take longer than required really Eleni. 

Many thanks for your assistance and answering so fast, so well done upon that.

Stephen Smith.

I am sure that you will get your answer soon from the Service Desk, just make sure that you have provided all the necessary documents in order to speed up your application.