Mt4 isn't Starting - But Seems to Hang in an Endless Loop ??


I wanted to start a mt4 at the location: C:\Users\cas\Documents\MT4\mt5.

But as  you can see the starting process

  1. hangs using one of my 4 kernels completely (CPU = 25%) and
  2. forcing the other running mt4 (1-4) to have a higher cpu-usage as well and
  3. the system requests all of a sudden 16%

After Start

If I stop this mt4 (C:\Users\cas\Documents\MT4\mt5) because after 5 Minutes it hasn't come up and after that I get normal results of cpu usage:

Mt4/mt5 deleted

My first ides was that the indicator I am working on has been trapped in an endless loop - but no!

I placed in OnInit()  a  "return(INIT_FAILED);" and re-compiled it - so I am sure that it is not a loop of a program!

Beside that I don't understand why the System requires all of a sudden 16% and the other MT4 that are running are effected as well: 7% instead of 3% and 5% instead of 3% and 2%.

I can repeat this any time since now :(

Did anyone experience it that way?

Thanks in advance!!

Carl Schreiber:

I wanted to start a mt4 at the location: C:\Users\cas\Documents\MT4\mt5.

But as  you can see the starting process

  1. hangs using one of my 4 kernels completely (CPU = 25%) and
  2. forcing the other running mt4 (1-4) to have a higher cpu-usage as well and
  3. the system requests all of a sudden 16%

If I stop this mt4 (C:\Users\cas\Documents\MT4\mt5) because after 5 Minutes it hasn't come up and I again get normal results of cpu usage:

My first ides was that the indicator I am working on has been trapped in an endless loop - but no!

I placed in OnInit()  a  "return(INIT_FAILED);" and re-compiled it - so I am sure that it is not a loop of a program!

Beside that I don't understand why the System requires all of a sudden 16% and the other MT4 that are running are effected as well: 7% instead of 3% and 5% instead of 3% and 2%.

I can repeat this any time since now :(

Did anyone experience it that way?

Thanks in advance!!

Hi Carl! Probably you have charts opened with other indicators which you don't expect.

This will help:

- close the problematic MT4

- navigate into the data-folder of this MT4

- go into the profiles folder of the data-folder

- go into the folder with the name of the profile. If you don't work with profiles then the folder name is "default"

- delete all files with names like "chart01.chr"

- start this MT4 again

THe MT4 should now start with no opened charts.

Best regards

Mike Semlitsch

  1. This mt4 has only 4 charts opened (other than the others!). The first three charts (and indis) were not changed for several days.
  2. On the third chart I started three indicators. All three were re-compiled with "return(INIT_FAILED);"
  3. If one indicator causes this why System get 16% and the other running mt4 are effected as well during the never ending start of this mt4?
  4. I tried it anyway (delete C:\Users\cas\Documents\MT5\Profiles\Charts\Default) but as expected the same situation, this mt4 doesn't come up (but just pollutes the environment with the high cpu consumption) :(
Carl Schreiber:
  1. hangs using one of my 4 kernels completely (CPU = 25%) 

It's almost certainly not the answer to your problem but, in case anyone else experiences something similar ... I've had MT4 freeze repeatedly on start-up after copying an MT4 installation from one machine to another machine with a larger screen resolution and a different (higher) DPI setting.

I've no longer got an exact record of the solution, but, through trial and error, it involved removing one of the [BarState_xx] sections from the config.ini. I think it was [BarState_81]. My guess is that the saved positioning of the sub-panels was causing a problem after the transition to a different screen resolution.

Well I deleted the \config\terminal.ini and no change except that a big white window covers the whole screen which only disappears after I deleted the mt4 from the start process.